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Customer Service 866.965.0400

More bad luck....


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So today I went to lunch with my girlfriend and a friend. Well unfortunately I had to park in the middle of the parking lot next to other cars. Well after lunch I dropped my girlfriend off at work. Well my friend and I decided to stopped by one of our friend's business to hang out. After being there for like a hour we decided to leave and go to my house. Well on the way back we stopped at the store to get a soda. Well on the way back out to the car I noticed a small ding in the driver's side door. So I look further into it and I notice the the car has a several severe scratches and nice quarter size ding! I was highly upset at this point:mad:. I have no idea when or where it occurred either. I do know it had to occur today because I would of noticed it beforehand. Well I called a guy that does paintless dent repair. Well the guy promptly came to my house within 20 minutes of me calling him. After 15 to 20 minutes of him being there he had it fixed perfectly. I took before and after pics. The before pic is kinda hard the ding. It looked a lot worse in person. It cost me about 60 bucks but it looks great. The guy that done the repair stated he learned the skill from his father. What a awesome skill to learn from your dad. I was glad that it came out!:rockon: One of the scratches is fingernail depth so I don't know if SSR and the focus pad will get that out or not. I think I will need someone to wet sand it. Here's some pics of it. Hope you guys can help me out from here.:help::xfingers:





After but scratches still there:


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We have a paintless dent repair guy that comes to dealership he did two dings on my camaro, one of them was a CD size! and he fixed PERFECTLY, Its new again. Piece of advice, never park next to anyone, even when you have to, people are inconsiderate and careless, i park farway from everybody

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I'm starting to agree with you Jon, maybe this detailing thing isn't for you. You should get a nice 1983 Volvo and be done with this stuff :lolsmack::lolsmack::lolsmack:


Haha bill. Nah think im getting it


Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

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Are you going to go with the two coats of MSS this time ???



I was doing some searching to see if there are any environmental reasons behind the issues you have with water spots. Click through some of this info.






<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td>com_air.gif</td> <td width="100%">bgcolor_pixel.gif</td> <td>rightcrv.gif</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr width="100%"> <td bgcolor="FFFFFF" width="100%"> Smog and Soot: What are the Emission Levels in Your Community?

In 1999, this county ranked among the dirtiest/worst 20% of all counties in the U.S. in terms of volatile organic compound emissions.

</td> </tr> </tbody></table> Air Pollutants That Pose Cancer and Other Health Risks

Based on EPA's most current data, this county ranked among the dirtiest/worst 20% of all counties in the US in terms of noncancer hazards from hazardous air pollutants.

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