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Hey, that photo is upside down.  :jester:


Did you see this one?







Taken on my BDay ..Really cool .  I seen this on BBC America ..love seeing the perspective between the ISS to the Sun in this photo.  

Really makes you think of the size of the sun ...especially knowing that its diameter is almost 400 times larger than our moon & 400 times farther . 

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A couple of interesting articles that I stumbled upon.  The one made me thirsty.....yummy.  May drink my own, in a pinch.  I'm sure the water tastes fine as long as you don't think about it.  My kid and I actually saw that machine being prepared to be sent to the ISS.  I will have to see if I can find the picture.






Couldn't find my picture, but this is one I found on the internet.





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Looks like NASA has found evidence of water on Mars.  Only 3% of Mars has been mapped in high enough resolution to see the water.  It has taken 10 years to map that 3% (2.4% to be exact).   It apparently only seeps and is salty.  




Last nights Supermoon Eclipse.  Next Supermoon Eclipse won't happen until 2033.



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Looks like NASA has found evidence of water on Mars.  Only 3% of Mars has been mapped in high enough resolution to see the water.  It has taken 10 years to map that 3% (2.4% to be exact).   It apparently only seeps and is salty.  




Last nights Supermoon Eclipse.  Next Supermoon Eclipse won't happen until 2033.



It's a big, BIG universe out there...and we don't know .000000000000000001% about our own galaxy. Crazy to even think about.

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On this day 31 years ago.




Also thought I would share this.  My brother shared this with me.  It is a boat load of Apollo mission photographs.  I browsed thru a few and found them fascinating.  Would love to have the opportunity to see sights like this first hand.



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epic photo


Interesting about that picture is what it was taken from.  It was taken from a shuttle training aircraft.  It is a modified plane and lands just like the space shuttle.  So I have been told by someone who has.  Interestingly enough everything is automatic and only the last 5 minutes is flown by a human being.  The commander is the one that actually lands the space shuttle and the pilot assists with things such as putting the landing gear down.  Once it goes down, there is no retracting it.  Put it down too soon and you won't make the runway.  


That shuttle training aircraft to become a pilot requires 500 landings and a commander is required to do 1000 landings.  



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On this day 31 years ago.




Also thought I would share this.  My brother shared this with me.  It is a boat load of Apollo mission photographs.  I browsed thru a few and found them fascinating.  Would love to have the opportunity to see sights like this first hand.




With Chris, (LFairbanks) posting many NASA space photos, I found out that NASA just released over 9,000 photos taken from the Apollo missions to the public. Link is below.




Fascinating to see some of those pictures.

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