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Finally saw Adam's new facility - wow!


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I needed some products for my detail of a 96 Mystic Cobra so I decided to stop by Adams yesterday. I was lucky because Adam himself was there and gave me the nickle tour of the new facility. Also met Eric (ArmyAcadia09) and his family who were visiting Colorado and, of course, incorporated Colorado's best attraction: Adam's Polishes! :)


Wow guys, this new place is the sh!t! The space is unbelievable (20,000 square vs. 4,000 before) and what is also unbelievable is how well they have filled it up! Also the location is much better, not just from a standpoint of accessibility, but for me personally also since it is now only a 4-mile drive from my work!! =p


Adam, if you happen to stumble on this thread, thanks for the tour and congratulations again on securing this awesome facility! You guys totally deserve all the success you've been having and this place definitely positions you for just that!


Here are some pictures I snapped, enjoy!!


Main entrance:




Something tells me not much time has been spent here yet:




Adam's bikes have such a nice home now:




El Guapo somehow manages to keep up bottling operations with increasing demand:




I like to refer to this isle as "the danger zone"; just give anyone a cart and

they're "in trouble" in no-time!!




Eric making sure all YOUR shipments were going out on time that day!




A nice trial display of Adams products for the GM dealerships:




The "employee parking lot" (yes, indoors!)




And this is where the Tesla's go....



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