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National Geographic Adventurer of the Year nominee...


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A customer of mine is in the running to be National Geographics Adventurer of the Year 2013 Peoples Choice. Voting goes till January 16, 2013. You can vote only once a day but can vote every day until January 16th. I wanted to ask if those of you on the Forum would be willing to take the time out of your busy days to vote for him. Just being a nominee is a huge accomplishment IMHO. Below are some amazing videos about his travels around the world. Really some fascinating stuff IMO. Thanks to everybody here for taking the time to vote for him.


Mike Libecki, 2013 Adventurers of the Year - National Geographic You will see a link in this one to vote for him.


[ame=http://vimeo.com/22759703]Mike Libecki - Socotra on Vimeo[/ame]


[ame=http://vimeo.com/43344754]Around The World With Mike Libecki on Vimeo[/ame]


Virgin Earth Man | Video - ABC News


Home | Mike Libecki

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Climber comes home to share stories of scaling the untouched - Marek Warszawski - fresnobee.com


The first time I met Mike, I brought him 7 family tents. I asked "what are you going to do with 7 tents?" His response was he owed some people in China money and that was part of their payment, being they couldn't get family tents over there.


Come to find out the people he owed money to, took care of 25 camels that he had while walking across the Taklamakan desert in China. He explained to me that for thousands of years people had crossed it north to south, but nobody had crossed it east to west.






Remember to take the time to vote for him. In the OP there is a link.

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