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Federal Appeals Court Tosses Ban On Conceal and Carry in ILLINOIS


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Its been a long time coming and a huge uphill battle, but its not over. They have 180 days to create legislature to outline conceal and carry. Im sure it will be tied up for a LONG time but its still a step in the right direction to work toward conceal and carry.


NRA-ILA | Victory for Self-Defense and the Second Amendment


Federal appeals court tosses state ban on carrying concealed weapons - Chicago Sun-Times

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I hope it passes for y'all. It's a right that all citizens should have. There are so many people that are anti CHL but all I say when is the last time you heard of a legal CHL holder commit a violent gun related offense? Almost never.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again: CCW will never happen here in Mordor. As long as Madigan runs this state, Chicago has a mayor with (D) after his name and the likes of Pat Quinn occupy the governors office we will have every single bit of that legislation drag on ad infinitum. Our grandchildren will dream of it happening just as we have. Remember these are the same people that say we'll have the wild west right here in Mordor just like in Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, etc.

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Lol glad your not my neighbor. I would have a sign that says


<==== my neighbor is anti gun




Agreed. I want the same chance as the gangster already concealing and carrying. It is my constitutional right to bear arms and protect myself and property.


Gangs dont care about laws. they rob, steal, kill whether there is a law against it or not. This will only level the playing field. Crime will go down just like it does in every other state. If they charge for the permit its free income for Illinois. Its like $2 for a background check. Then they charge for the class. Tons of money to be made. Gun sales go up, cases, ammunition, everything brings income.


Guns in the hands of cops and military only.... funny!

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