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Customer Service 866.965.0400

DWC on Paint

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So I got a call yesterday from a loyal customer asking me to clean up his Malibu yes selling on Monday. I didn't want to even bother, 60% chance of rain/snow. I thought this guy is crazy. I finally gave in.


Upon inspection of the paint I noticed it was super rough and had a few of those 'rust' spots that you would find on white cars. This car has been neglected and sat under a tree for a good long while. I told him I can't do much in this weather but I'll do my best. Thinking to myself, "This will be perfect to try the DWC on. Because the car is white the spots would really show up.


This stuff really attacks iron contaminants. And watching it work was amazing.



I'm not saying I would do this to every car with rust spots, but it did make this neglected car easier to clay. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone unless the car is covered.


After spraying I let it sit and was amazed how many little spots of dark red showed up.


My Process:


1. Against what I believe in but the weather was nasty, I took the car to the local car wash a blasted what I could off the car.


2. Took the car home put it in the garage and used WW to finish cleaning it up.


3. Sprayed DWC one panel at a time and watched the magic happen.


4. After letting it set I wiped off the residue with WW, I would have done a 2 bucket wash to remove residue I'd it hadn't been snowing out.


5. Clayed entire car


6. No polishing due to time and the customers budget so straight to Buttery Wax.


Before DWC




After DWC











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Thank you! I have my monster-in-law's white Impala to do once the weather breaks. This will definitely be in the kit that day. :thumbsup:


Curious, was this straight or diluted?


Because it was so bad I did not dilute it. This was a really bad case. I would definitely do a second wash after using the DWC on the paint. It seemed to hang around even after the WW.

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