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Dads Ford Fusion Correction


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Hi all!  I figured you would like to see some shots of my dads Ford Fusion that I did a full correction on about two months ago.  I wanted to wait to post these since two months ago, my dad had surgery for prostate cancer.  He found out over this past winter that he had cancer and out of the twelve biopsies taken, only three came back with positive signs of cancer.  Two of them a very slow growth and one being normal growth.  Things were a bit hectic for a while and the nerves were building before surgery (the first any of us had to deal with in the immediate family).  I honestly haven't even told anyone publically until now.  The good thing is that all went very well and he is now back in action working full time again.  Now while he was recovering he couldn't drive so I took this opportunity to work on his car and get it all cleaned up so when he could drive, it would be ready to go. 


Now I didn't take any before or during pictures.  Honestly with everything going on and taking care of the north 40, I just wanted to get this bad bird done.  Also this was my first test of the Patroit Wax and I must say, that stuff is absolutely incredible!  My dad is a hero in my eyes so I decided to try it out and give his ride the best treatment.  Here is the list of all that was done.


Tires and wheel wells cleaned with APC

Wheels cleaned with GWC

2 bucket strip wash with APC & CWS





Glass cleaned and sealed

Tires and trim dressed with SVRT

Wheel wells done with UCS

QS on the wheels


Patriot Wax

Full interior done with LI Cleaner, LI Conditioner, CUC


After about a week of working on it after work, here are the results.  Had to sneak in a photo of my dad checking out the paint as well.  All he could say was 'Wow!  That looks insane!'  Made my day hearing that!  The point and shoot camera was having a hard time capturing the amount of flake in this paint.  It really was glittering in the sun.  Hope you enjoy!




























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Thank you for getting it moved and the props!  Yeah he is a trooper for sure.  Bounced back a ton after surgery.  The biggest pain for him was sitting around while I was doing the work around the house.  Said he never felt so helpless in his life! 

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Excellent work babe!!!


I haven't had a chance to see the car since the detail and I am of course aware of what it looked like before hand!!!!


Silver is a hard car to see "depth" in the paint but this correct and of course the Patriot Wax really shows that depth! 


:) :)


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Nice work my man!

Thank you sir!  My dad said that he didn't even want to drive it after it was all cleaned up.  I seem to hear that a lot after I get done working on vehicles.  Guess I'm doing something right! B)

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Oh yeah he was soaking it up for sure!  It hurt to look at it without sunglasses on while in the sun.  If you look close enough, you can see him in the reflection of the shot near the fuel tank door.  Those white dots are his shoes :)

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Matt, glad your dad is OK.  My father had the same thing, although they got lucky and caught it on the first try....very, very early stage of the cancer. 


Oh yeah, car looks great!

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Matt, glad your dad is OK.  My father had the same thing, although they got lucky and caught it on the first try....very, very early stage of the cancer. 


Oh yeah, car looks great!

Thank you!  Yeah they seemed to catch it fairly early before it spread so that was a huge thing in itself. 


Thank you very much! :)

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