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What Needs to be Covered



   I know that it is extremely dirty, but the engine has not been cleaned since the day that I bought it back in '05. So I am finally going to clean it and get it looking the way it should. But before I go start cleaning I want to get some good input. Is there anything that anybody sees that needs to be covered up? So far I am going to cover up the alternator and the batteries. Should I just use plastic bags or is there a better way to cover them up?


   I also want to get those bugs off of the radiator. Is there some trick to getting those off or any suggestions to make it easier and safer for the truck?





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I wouldnt worry about covering anything under the hood, it's a CUMMINS, you'll be o.k., as far as cleaning off the bugs, I woud try a "soft" bristle brush, and gently work up and down the front and knock off as much as you can, maybe try spraying a stream of water from the backside thru to the front. Be sure and post up some finished photos too!

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I wouldnt worry about covering anything under the hood, it's a CUMMINS, you'll be o.k., as far as cleaning off the bugs, I woud try a "soft" bristle brush, and gently work up and down the front and knock off as much as you can, maybe try spraying a stream of water from the backside thru to the front. Be sure and post up some finished photos too!

Be extremely careful with whatever you decide to try on the radiator. Those fins bend pretty easily. I would try soaking them in WW and rubbing them out with a toothbrush. Make sure the radiator is cool of course. You should be good just covering the alternator.

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If the air filter is exposed, cover that.  Modern engines don't really have a need to worry other than the air filter when it comes to prepping for a cleaning.  I would take a soft bristled toothbrush and APC to that radiator.  But be careful, and take your time.



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