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Customer Service 866.965.0400
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Great customer service from Adam's team !



I called Adam's today and had a chance to talk to Matt over the phone. I explained to him few weeks ago when a bulk of my order came, I tried their Clay bar on a fairly dirty car along with using a detailer spray, and it just wasn't picking up any contamination. I asked him if I could ship it to him so they can try it themselves, but him insisting to save me the headache from shipping it backetc. instead he placed an order for a new clay bar at free of charge and within few minutes I had an email with a shipping confirmation. 


Since this is my first post, (I've been a lurker for a long time) I don't want to come across the board as someone that isn't satisfied with something and calls right away to get a refund. I spent quite good amount of money with Adams and plan on to doing so again, Instead,  wanted to give out a good word to them for having a great customer service that many companies lack in now days. It's not about 20 something dollars worth of clay bar. It's about getting someone that's a real person on the phone and being helpful. 


I received both of my mystery boxes today, and received more than I wished for.





btw, here's a picture of my esentials from few months ago







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They take care of customers. It seems to be rare in the retail world we live in. Quantity versus quality seems to win out in most regards. Not with Adams. They focus efforts on quality in every facet of the business. The companies founded on solid principles like this one are the ones I like to support.

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