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H2O G&G Separation

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Great input here!  This is a tricky product and we should have clearer instructions.  Direct sun makes it work poorly.  Sometimes, on darker finishes, it can look streaky if it dries too fast.


Also, the product separates, so here is the crazy process I use for making sure the solids are removed from the straw, so the sprayer works correctly:


  1. Remove the sprayer from the bottle, and spray the product in the straw back into the bottle.
  2. Screw on the shipping cap.  
  3. Shake the H20 like crazy.   
  4. Remove cap, install sprayer.

After washing the vehicle, which is ideally COOL to the touch, and not in direct sunlight, spray two panels with the H20.   Don't just kind of spray it, give the sprayer a fast, hard tug so the product comes out of the bottle in a fine mist.  If you barely pull the trigger, the product won't atomize well, and will spit out.


Immediately hit those two panels with a damp Double Soft or Gray Edgeless towel.  Follow with a clean premium microfiber towel, polishing to perfection.


Under the following circumstances, the H20 is tricky to use:


  1. Hot temps, direct sunlight.
  2. On a finish that hasn't been clayed and polished in a while.
  3. When the H20 was used in the past 3-4 weeks.


I've been using the H20 every third or fourth wash.  On my white Jeep, I rarely even wash it now.  Since using the H20, a pressure washer is just about all I need.  Nothing sticks to it.


That said, I totally see how some users have issues with this product, as what I've just spelled out isn't spelled out well enough in the video, or on the label.


Remember, our 110% unconditional satisfaction guarantee is there for things like this, and we are learning from you!   Thank you for your raw and excellent reviews, please keep them coming.



There ya go! BTW - Dan, Matt, this should be a sticky. 

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