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What to use on DuPont coating from dealer?



I have a new car that came with a DuPont protection package applied from the dealer. I think it is some sort of ceramic coating but am not completely positive. 


What is the best  option for maintaining this coating? I was thinking the ceramic boost or ceramic paste would be best but want to confirm which.


I have been using the Car Shampoo with the Detail Spray. Should I avoid the H2O Guard and other wax type polishes and sealants?




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Welcome to the forum! The following is from DuPont's website (I've never heard of them so I had to look it up)

Can I wax over the Exterior Protection?

Yes, however please wait 24 hours after the application of the Exterior Protection so it has time to fully cure to the surface.


Not sure what the coating is actually made of, but you could use H20 G&G on it, any of Adam's waxes, Ceramic Boost, etc... It does not sound like any of those things will cause harm. 


Really good quote from a MB forum I found follows:


"The 5 year protection should come with a free pet unicorn. Most Mercedes places use DuPont Paint Protector which is no different from products you can get online. The worst part is that I am positive that when they apply it they'll just wash the car and won't do proper decontamination procedures such as claying, polishing, etc. If you have time to detail the car I would invest that money in good products and an orbital buffer. If you don't have the time, just find a professional detailer in your area. Any of these two will beat the Mercedespaint protection any day."
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