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I have ordered a set of 19" M3 CSL replicas that are painted and cleared. I would like to wax them before I even put the tires on, but I am wondering what would be the best wax to use on them that would last a good long while... I have the absolute essentials kit and I just ordered the Complete dual action polisher kit. I figured waxing them just like a normal paint surface would do, but I wonder about the wax holding up to the All purpose cleaner and a brush. I have put a ultra low dusting pads on the car and I normally don't let the car get dirty enough to build up much of any grime, but when I do clean it I don't want the APC taking off the wax or shorting the life span of the wax. Does everybody clean their wheels with the APC everytime or do you use soap and water from the bucket between major details. I searched around for a little bit in this section and didn't really find much other than chromed or polished stuff. Any help or comments would be welcomed. I still have a few days till I get the wheels, but as soon as I do I will want to put the rubber on em and put them on the car. Thanks, Lucas.

2 answers to this question

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hi Lucas!:welcome:


use the machine super wax on them, buttery wax is good but wont last nearly as long as the MSW. also Adam told me to use the green wheel cleaner because its not as harsh on the wax as the all purpose cleaner.

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I used the Machine super wax. Wash them with Car Wash Shampoo and hit them with BSG every so often.


Note to self: Pull them off and hit them with MSW again...:cheers:


Thanks for the reminder.:2thumbs::2thumbs:

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