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I had my car in for a small repair on the rear bumper cover. My dad had pulled out my car this winter and didn't pull it in far enough and when he shut the garage door, the hinge went down the back of my bumper! Anywho, that is fixed now, but now I have another problem...


I currently have these wheels on my car: http://www.tirerack.com/wheels/Wheel...All&sort=Brand


As you have noticed they have a stainless steel lip. The Body Shop was being courteous and happened to wash my car for me. I wasn't too happy when I found this out, but that happens.


The end of my story goes to this, whatever the hell they used on my wheels has tarnished stainless steel. All 4 wheels have a stained lip on them with hard-water etching that almost rips your fingernail off when run them over it. It's got a zebra stripe appearance to them from where the water ran down the lip of the wheels. I believe it's a combination of the tire shine they used and sitting out in the sun with out being properly rinsed or the overspray from the tire shine got baked on by the sun. AHHH!



End Rant. Going to give the body shop a chance to fix it, but if I'm not satisfied I'm going to tell them tough luck, you got insurance for a reason. Fix the problem you caused.


Worst part about it, the wheels I have are now discontinued in that offset, so that puts out the ideas of an identical replacement.


I'll get some pictures posted up tomorrow for reference.

5 answers to this question

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Sorry to hear that !!!!!


Lets see hat those picture look like tomorrow and we'll see what the best course of action will be :xfingers::xfingers::xfingers:

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As the saying goes, 'no good deed goes unpunished'. Man it's too bad that them trying to provide a extra service and got screwed up.

I've got a lot of stainless on my truck and it's a challenge with all the chemicals that commercial truck washes use to keep it looking good.

Start with Adams Metal polish and then follow it with Brilliant Spray Glaze. I've found that BSG is great on stainless.



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Well, gave them a good wash today and it helped some, at least got the hard-water taken care of. Still have some discoloration in the wheels, used a little bit of Mother's polish and that helped but still have the "stripes". We'll see what the dealer does, I won't let them wash it! LOL If I'm not happy I've got my mind made up on these wheels for a replacement. I'll get pics of the car once it quits raining, I'm lucky to have a wash bay in the garage. Here are the wheels: http://www.tirerack.com/upgrade_garage/BigPic.jsp?wheelMake=ASA&wheelModel=GT1&wheelFinish=Bright+Silver+Paint

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