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Secret to Junkmans success?


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Great photos, fantastic Daniel!!! :lol:


Well friends, I've been a little busy lately! Hot August Nights was an amazing show, and ran from August 1-9.


Then, my sister (our controller) had her last week with our company, before moving to Balitimore. (New baby, no time, and then her huz got a nice promotion and raise.) We took the week to train our new controller, a fairly large task.


Next, I had to fly to CA for our DVD video shoot, which was fantastic, with the help of Dylan and the guys from Power TV. Three days there.


Flew home to CO for a day, played with our daughter non-stop (except for her naps,) then back to CA to celebrate my best friend's 40th birthday.


Home again on Sunday night, and then, off to PA this morning, Tuesday. Now, it's 1:20AM, and I'm about to pass out here in Carlisle.


Good news! After this, I'm home for a MONTH before having to leave again. :banana::banana:


I miss the gang here, and look forward to the winter, when it's possible to hang out much, much more!


Here is the progress at home:

Edited by Adam
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