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Signature Suggestion


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When we change a signature it should take for all past posts as well. This is very confusing to many people as this is the only forum I know of and I belong to at least 30 of them that when a signature is changed that it does not reflect all past posts as well. This would be awesome if it could be done because all of my past posts look so plain. :thumbsup:

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I second this motion. Ryan was kind enough to make me a 2 awesome signatures and one was ready on Friday but I was adding it to my signature and checked to see if it was on my posts but it wasn't so I thought I was doing something wrong. Little did I know it only applied to new posts after adding the signature.


I was just used to the other forum I am on that updates all posts.


Does it take up a lot of bandwidth to make the above happen?

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I have tested this several different ways and it does not take affect for past posts... I have setup a couple of vBulletin forums for some of my clients and it is actually a configuration setting that can be adjusted.

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