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Soft Bedcover Detail


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The Colorado has been getting more and more Adam's love. Typically I don't have time for a full, day-long detail, so I have been breaking it up into smaller, bite sized jobs. Not too long ago I did the entire interior in 1.5 hours. Today I tackled the bed cover. In the blazing Florida sun, this only took 40 minutes.


As you can see, this cover doesn't get much attention. Until Super VRT came out, there was no really good way for this cover to be addressed since the truck sits outside 24/7 and we get our fair share of rain. We've also had a recent brush fire the dropped ashes everywhere, so it was clearly time to do something.






I simply wet down the cover with water and sprayed 1/4 of the cover at a time with APC, then scrubbed with the fender brush. I rinsed each section before moving on the the next to the APC wouldn't dry.


I pulled the cover off, put it in my garage to cool and dry, then started applying SVRT with a black sponge. 2 coats and a light wipe down with the other side of the sponge and it was ready to be put back on the truck.


Guess which side has been treated? :D




Simple and Amazing. :thumbsup:







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