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Everything posted by Babyfer

  1. :help: mine needs help.. big time..when's the next clinic in socal i was so embarrased today when we were walking out of the Dr. office for JJ and my dad asked JJ "is that Papa's car or Mommy's?" JJ said dirty Mommy car... i think that Dad prepped him, but still (My parents brought him and i met them there, in case you were wondering )
  2. i think it got to 89 today at lunch time.. HOTTTTTT and i'm lucky, i can wear what i want sorry you can't
  3. i think all my vehciles have seen the clay.. Jeff's not so much oh wait.. the rambler was never clayed to my knowledge. the paint was bad, even after it was painted..lol
  4. getting warm for sure.. i thought i sent you some sun friday?? guess it's takign it's time to get there, sorry bout that they aren't THAT bad.. i hate em, but the last ones have been pretty small.. Good morning all Happy Tuesday!
  5. just had a sec to come back.. i didn't even get lunch i need a helper.. just for a day.. too many deadlines.. they suck! have a good night all!
  6. morning all! happy Monday so crazy here right now, so much to do, but i need a break already..
  7. good afternoon, lol i totally feel like that cat! i have a sore throat and my nose hurts, my left ear is feeling wierd and when i sneeze. OUCH! i had a flu shot, but dr said that i could have a different strain, Mom's got it too, JJ had a sore throat like on sunda or monday.. i think he gave it to us but now i know why he was whining all the time.. poor lil guy.
  8. and that made Adam get back to thinking straight on his project of making something that will not only shine but smell good to get the girlys attention. then in came...
  9. icicles & wind don't mix, watch out!!
  10. good morning! going ok, so far nothing special. I'm tired of creating all new sheets for my stuff in excel for the new year, how's yours going?
  11. at least for now, till you get better
  12. cause his car was fast.. at least he had the stuff in there to back it up that many years ago it was nice, it was the FF times :laugh:
  13. just make sure you are having fun safely, hows your back doing?
  14. Jason was still playing with the hairy fruit, mashing them together. Adam then grabbed some pina colada mix and it smelled so good, with the Grape & the colada he thought he had a few winners, but wait...
  15. that is sooo sad, prayers to his family. morning all!
  16. reallyyy then after many explosions & hair loss, they moved to the fruit in the kitchen
  17. i not only make my bike shine, but make it smell good too...
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