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Everything posted by Babyfer

  1. i was almost this dirty again... i just got the waffle towel.. and i know i should have washed it 1st.. but i was too excited to wait, lol so i was spraying the detail spray on and drying it.. this lady was watching me for a bit, then walked up, she could not believe the shine from my car.. btw she saw it dirty too.. she picked up the Adam's spray and was like where do you get this stuff, i have a black car too, and it never shines like that... so i told her to come here and get all kindsa info, so hopefully another customer coming.. i think her name was Shelly..
  2. the Endeavor needs it badly!!! you don't need a bag.. it feels like sandpaper..but i don't hardly have time to do the Lancer, lol close to my house clinic, must have!!!!
  3. my lil man JJ (Jeff Jr.)... he's 2½ and over 3ft tall, so i guess not too little
  4. Babyfer


    only a few more days.. hang in there
  5. cute family!!! we should have a family forum.. i'd love to show off my lil guy too we can match make them, lol
  6. ok Jason.. all these other vettes.. now post yours, since i can't :laugh: i was thinking you had some cute ones from say.. last halloween hehehe
  7. but that's at home, and i'm at work lol
  8. what??. why???.. there is much fun to be had
  9. Office Manager for a company that does electrical wiring on houses.. 1 girl office, i do it all been in the construction industry for 8-9 years, doing same type thing, at this job 1 year.. got offered a part time 2nd job at my mechanic's to help him out with his office stuff.. might just take him up on it, dunno yet.. we need to talk $$$$
  10. good, cause this is soo me when i look at my cars in the morning
  11. Babyfer

    PC or MAC?

    lol.. you are sooo funny!!!! i have PC's
  12. lol yup, great idea Jason, good job.. now can you set up a clinic closer to my house i haz 2 dirty black cars now..lol
  13. Babyfer


    if you think we need one.. i personally don't think there will be any cat fights here.. but i guess you never know lol i'm fine with Vette girl being the mod for this.. she seems cool i love that good and evil smiley! that's great
  14. Babyfer


    i'll sign up for him to come clean mine too it's black, and i live on a dirt road...i need lotsa help
  15. Hi, I'm Fer I've known Jason for a while, just got into Adams stuff a few months back.. so far, so good, and i love the smell of the wash, lol i know it's for washing cars, but i think it's secretely for blondes to sniff while they wash I have all my Adams stuff in a box, to keep it safe, my dad found it and keep stelaing it, i told hin to get his own!!!! We need a detail clinic in my area
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