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Everything posted by StubStang

  1. This I have heard of, and I haven't heard any complaints
  2. Now that sounds excellent!! talk about adding to that grape taste!
  3. One more post: Weird Competitions: http://jalopsalot.kinja.com/you-wouldnt-believe-these-legitimate-competitions-1688848542
  4. Winter looks like it will never end at this point. So while were all still stuck indoors, why not try something new? Grab a bottle of wine! But which one is to be chosen? Read the article below and grasp some ideas! http://jalopsalot.kinja.com/a-break-from-vehicles-wine-decision-making-for-the-ave-1688815205
  5. You sir, are an Adams God.... I AM NOT WORTHY!!!!
  6. Winter MUST end.....

  7. ha, tedious. time consuming is the word I was looking for. that can take a few hours to do
  8. Ever have one of those days where you believe that the flood-gates holding back every unexperienced or oblivious driver had been opened without a care in the world? You're probably not the only one. Hell, maybe you were even the culprit of being one. Whether you feel like ranting or fessing up, I want to hear about it. Do me the favor of telling me about your story by clicking the link below! Thanks in advance, folks! http://jalopsalot.kinja.com/your-worst-bad-driver-experience-is-my-new-favorite-sto-1687629132?rev=1424748574428
  9. Oh yeah that thing is a monster and a half
  10. Funny I just watched Top Gear and their take on the vette. Seems pretty good. Im waiting to see the mid engined version. Can you say "Ferrari-Destroyer"?
  11. Corvette wouldn't have a shot against this monster on the track (down the stretch maybe)
  12. Just another example of literature: Automated vehicles being released in 2017?? What would happen to the cars we all know and love? Take a read, share it with others!! http://jalopsalot.kinja.com/the-miss-daisy-vehicle-the-automated-affect-1686916913
  13. Heres a better view of it. Personally thinks it looks better in the light than the dark.
  14. Thats right, I was watching that before I typed my article. Mr. May gave some good thoughts on the new GT
  15. THE FUNNY THING: The Mustang was on etsy!!!
  16. Hey all, Just wanted to share what I did earlier: My new Laptop Cover Ill run you through the process: Black vinyl background applied. ordered a see through black plastic cover, then applied the mustang sticker when the cover was attached to the laptop. After application of the mustang sticker, I took off the cover and used back electric tape on the opposite side to block out excess light. $30 investment for the cover and stickers. results are priceless!
  17. Yup, thats what gave me the inspiration to write a quick topic about the new GT. I like it but I will miss the SLS.
  18. Thanks guys! Appreciate the good feedback. If you wouldn't mind sharing it on your social networks/ etc, please feel free!
  19. Hey all, Just wrote an article about the new AMG GT. Take a look at it if you can. Let me know what you think! http://jalopsalot.kinja.com/the-new-replacement-for-the-beloved-sls-1686228183
  20. stared at my car which is full of salt and dirt. Damn snow will never stop and its below freezing so I can't do any cleaning or detailing. LIFE IS BAD....
  21. And more snow coming tonight and thursday AND saturday. This needs to end. GIVE ME SPRING!!!

  22. I'd be good with that
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