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  1. Like
    JEH63 got a reaction from NG13 in 2016 Maxima   
    So, I've been using Adam's products now for a few years, not long, and I have to say I'm very pleased with the results every time I do my cars. A little background on me.
    I'm 52 years old and I've been hands-on cars for around 30 of those years. I have worked in automotive dealerships for a number of years starting in make-ready working on crews, then working my way into managing crews. Worked my way out of that and into parts, then into sales. I've worked in finance and that is when I got out of the dealership environment. Started my own mobile detail service and did that for 3 years, then got picked up by a national detail chemical manufacturer that provided detail chems and sealants to car dealers on a national level. I worked for this company for 20 years until I left them 4 years ago and went independent agency to provide ancillary, insurance and reinsurance products to dealers. 
    I have used just about every boutique and mainline product out there and all work to some degree. The ease of use varies from manufacturer and I've had a lot of time over the years to pick and choose what I think works best for me. That's the beauty of detailing, there are many different ways to get from point "A" to point "B". However, in the journey to find what works the best, and "the best" is truly relative, I have found that there are certain processes you can shortcut, and then there are processes you just can't to get specific results. I have detailed very simple jobs that require very little work and I have taken specific jobs that require extreme care.
    One comes to mind many years ago and that was one of the first Vipers to hit San Antonio back in the day when Viper was new in the market. It was a black coupe and I happened to be servicing a dodge store the day before it was to be delivered. It was in the service bay under the florescent lights at sunset. I walked up to the car and it was full of light clear coat scratches all over the body panels. I asked the service manager what happened to the car. Was it delivered to the dealer that way, or did your make-ready do this washing the car? He said make-ready did it and they had waxed it already. I asked him when they were delivering it and he said the next day. The gentleman that purchased this $75k car was very wealthy and already had ordered a blue coupe with the silver stripes and was looking to purchase future generations of Vipers down the road. I asked the service manager if he was really going to deliver that car looking like that. He said he didn't want to, but had no choice.
    I mentioned to him that i could fix that for him if he wanted to call his customer and ask him if he could deliver that car the following Monday. This was on a Friday evening I had this conversation. The SM asked what I would do to correct the problem and how long. I told him two days and I would wet sand the whole car the first day and then polish it out the second day. I had known this service manager for many years because he had been a customer of mine for about 15 years at this time. He knew my capabilities. He agreed. I quoted him a price and he contacted his customer, locking down the deal.
    I picked-up the car early Saturday morning and took it back to my house. I wiped the car down, it wasn't dirty, and I began the sanding. I started with 1500 grit and sanded every horizontal and vertical inch of the car. I then came back over with 2000 grit and repeated the process. By that night I had a completely dull and lifeless brand new $75k Dodge Viper sitting in my garage begging for a shiny black paint job. I cleaned up and went to bed.
    I got up early Sunday morning and began the arduous task of bringing that black paint back to life. I began with a light synthetic wool pad and a synthetic compound that had no grit. It was a chemical compound as to reduce the amount of swirls in the paint and less likely to burn into the fiberglass. After that step, I used a foam compound pad and the same synthetic cutter to bring out my swirls I created when cutting the paint with wool. After achieving the results I was looking for, I came back with a black foam pad and a non-silicone based polish and glazed that black paint into a shiny deep gloss. After that step, I took an acrylic sealer and black foam pad and polished the acrylic onto the paint. After that step, I took my orbital and buffed the acrylic off the paint. This was an all day and into the night job, but after it was done it was beautiful. I inspected it under my garage florescents and my mounted halogens. The next morning, I inspected the car in the morning sunrise, some of the most revealing light other than sunset, and then re-inspected the car in full noon sunlight. Not a wool cut or scratch on the car. Just deep, rich and wet looking black paint.
    I delivered the car to the dealer's client late that Sunday afternoon and he was very pleased. I wound up getting his other Vipers and the rest of his cars in his rather very large garage of very nice rides as repeat business.
    I tell you this long and somewhat boring story to say this. We all learn from someone how to detail cars. We start with specific products typically because of what someone put in our hand and said, this is the best thing since sliced bread. As we grow in our trade and acquire new skill sets, we begin to branch out an try other brands and hone our techniques. This is what makes us unique as detailers and gives us our own identities. We all learn from someone typically who has done it really well.
    I expanded my knowledge into the design of products (Acrylics, Teflon, Silicone and water based waxes), then dove into fluoro co-polymers and eventually into environmentally safe nanotech. Molecules as small as 1 billionth of a meter long. Smaller than a molecule. I understand how a product is built and have lab tested and independently lab tested my company's products against my competition in the market I worked within. So, I get it. 
    However, Since I've been using Adam's, I have been so impressed with their approach to the market as it relates to the functionality of a product and how they market that product to you and me. From the ease of use, the videos they put out there to help their market understand the best use according to their design of that product, to the way scent plays into the psychological aspect of the user and how that helps lock in the user as it relates to identification. Some may not realize this, but scent plays a huge part in the way a user not only identifies with the product, but it also can manipulate the mood while a user works with the product. Adam's is using some very appealing scents in their product line and I personally appreciate that. I would have to assume that many other Adam's users feel the same.
    Adam's approach to the market obviously begins with Adam selling, well, Adam. He then sells his company as well as any great marketing firm could. With that type of best practices it then becomes easy to sell his product. He stands behind his products with a great guarantee and he places himself on the front line. He obviously hires quality people because they carry the Adam's flag with pride. It's apparent.
    I see Adam as an American success story and that compels me to do business with him. I am drawn first to this company because of the amount of integrity that is practiced. If he started selling baked goods I would most likely buy bread from him. That's how good I feel about Adam.
    Ok, I know I've gone on way too much, and I apologize for that. The pics I've posted are of my new 2016 Maxima. I started the detail by wet sanding a couple of bird dropping blemishes out of the clear, then used the orange correcting compound with an orange foam pad. I came back with the white polish and white pad then followed up with their new Acrylic paint sealant with a black foam pad. I used all of these steps with my Flex buffer. I came back and hand wiped the Acrylic off with Adam's super plush towels. I came back the next day and applied a coat of Patriot Wax by hand then took it back off by hand. Fine tuned it with all the things you're supposed to do post op, then had my photo op. My interior is all dressed with Adam's also, but I won't post all that right now. I do have the cashmere leather with the faux inserts. very sharp looking ride. I think Nissan did a great job with the re-design. YMMV
    I've never been a fanboy of anything in my life, but today I can say I have become an Adam's fanboy. That goes against everything I believe in (being a fanboy), but I'm proud to say it.
    Thanks Adam's for all you do and stand for. You are a good man and I hope that when it comes time for you to step down and hand over the reigns to another, those that succeed you will carry that banner proudly; with integrity and passion, just like you do.
    Rock on!        

  2. Like
    JEH63 got a reaction from PlainOleS5 in 2016 Maxima   
    So, I've been using Adam's products now for a few years, not long, and I have to say I'm very pleased with the results every time I do my cars. A little background on me.
    I'm 52 years old and I've been hands-on cars for around 30 of those years. I have worked in automotive dealerships for a number of years starting in make-ready working on crews, then working my way into managing crews. Worked my way out of that and into parts, then into sales. I've worked in finance and that is when I got out of the dealership environment. Started my own mobile detail service and did that for 3 years, then got picked up by a national detail chemical manufacturer that provided detail chems and sealants to car dealers on a national level. I worked for this company for 20 years until I left them 4 years ago and went independent agency to provide ancillary, insurance and reinsurance products to dealers. 
    I have used just about every boutique and mainline product out there and all work to some degree. The ease of use varies from manufacturer and I've had a lot of time over the years to pick and choose what I think works best for me. That's the beauty of detailing, there are many different ways to get from point "A" to point "B". However, in the journey to find what works the best, and "the best" is truly relative, I have found that there are certain processes you can shortcut, and then there are processes you just can't to get specific results. I have detailed very simple jobs that require very little work and I have taken specific jobs that require extreme care.
    One comes to mind many years ago and that was one of the first Vipers to hit San Antonio back in the day when Viper was new in the market. It was a black coupe and I happened to be servicing a dodge store the day before it was to be delivered. It was in the service bay under the florescent lights at sunset. I walked up to the car and it was full of light clear coat scratches all over the body panels. I asked the service manager what happened to the car. Was it delivered to the dealer that way, or did your make-ready do this washing the car? He said make-ready did it and they had waxed it already. I asked him when they were delivering it and he said the next day. The gentleman that purchased this $75k car was very wealthy and already had ordered a blue coupe with the silver stripes and was looking to purchase future generations of Vipers down the road. I asked the service manager if he was really going to deliver that car looking like that. He said he didn't want to, but had no choice.
    I mentioned to him that i could fix that for him if he wanted to call his customer and ask him if he could deliver that car the following Monday. This was on a Friday evening I had this conversation. The SM asked what I would do to correct the problem and how long. I told him two days and I would wet sand the whole car the first day and then polish it out the second day. I had known this service manager for many years because he had been a customer of mine for about 15 years at this time. He knew my capabilities. He agreed. I quoted him a price and he contacted his customer, locking down the deal.
    I picked-up the car early Saturday morning and took it back to my house. I wiped the car down, it wasn't dirty, and I began the sanding. I started with 1500 grit and sanded every horizontal and vertical inch of the car. I then came back over with 2000 grit and repeated the process. By that night I had a completely dull and lifeless brand new $75k Dodge Viper sitting in my garage begging for a shiny black paint job. I cleaned up and went to bed.
    I got up early Sunday morning and began the arduous task of bringing that black paint back to life. I began with a light synthetic wool pad and a synthetic compound that had no grit. It was a chemical compound as to reduce the amount of swirls in the paint and less likely to burn into the fiberglass. After that step, I used a foam compound pad and the same synthetic cutter to bring out my swirls I created when cutting the paint with wool. After achieving the results I was looking for, I came back with a black foam pad and a non-silicone based polish and glazed that black paint into a shiny deep gloss. After that step, I took an acrylic sealer and black foam pad and polished the acrylic onto the paint. After that step, I took my orbital and buffed the acrylic off the paint. This was an all day and into the night job, but after it was done it was beautiful. I inspected it under my garage florescents and my mounted halogens. The next morning, I inspected the car in the morning sunrise, some of the most revealing light other than sunset, and then re-inspected the car in full noon sunlight. Not a wool cut or scratch on the car. Just deep, rich and wet looking black paint.
    I delivered the car to the dealer's client late that Sunday afternoon and he was very pleased. I wound up getting his other Vipers and the rest of his cars in his rather very large garage of very nice rides as repeat business.
    I tell you this long and somewhat boring story to say this. We all learn from someone how to detail cars. We start with specific products typically because of what someone put in our hand and said, this is the best thing since sliced bread. As we grow in our trade and acquire new skill sets, we begin to branch out an try other brands and hone our techniques. This is what makes us unique as detailers and gives us our own identities. We all learn from someone typically who has done it really well.
    I expanded my knowledge into the design of products (Acrylics, Teflon, Silicone and water based waxes), then dove into fluoro co-polymers and eventually into environmentally safe nanotech. Molecules as small as 1 billionth of a meter long. Smaller than a molecule. I understand how a product is built and have lab tested and independently lab tested my company's products against my competition in the market I worked within. So, I get it. 
    However, Since I've been using Adam's, I have been so impressed with their approach to the market as it relates to the functionality of a product and how they market that product to you and me. From the ease of use, the videos they put out there to help their market understand the best use according to their design of that product, to the way scent plays into the psychological aspect of the user and how that helps lock in the user as it relates to identification. Some may not realize this, but scent plays a huge part in the way a user not only identifies with the product, but it also can manipulate the mood while a user works with the product. Adam's is using some very appealing scents in their product line and I personally appreciate that. I would have to assume that many other Adam's users feel the same.
    Adam's approach to the market obviously begins with Adam selling, well, Adam. He then sells his company as well as any great marketing firm could. With that type of best practices it then becomes easy to sell his product. He stands behind his products with a great guarantee and he places himself on the front line. He obviously hires quality people because they carry the Adam's flag with pride. It's apparent.
    I see Adam as an American success story and that compels me to do business with him. I am drawn first to this company because of the amount of integrity that is practiced. If he started selling baked goods I would most likely buy bread from him. That's how good I feel about Adam.
    Ok, I know I've gone on way too much, and I apologize for that. The pics I've posted are of my new 2016 Maxima. I started the detail by wet sanding a couple of bird dropping blemishes out of the clear, then used the orange correcting compound with an orange foam pad. I came back with the white polish and white pad then followed up with their new Acrylic paint sealant with a black foam pad. I used all of these steps with my Flex buffer. I came back and hand wiped the Acrylic off with Adam's super plush towels. I came back the next day and applied a coat of Patriot Wax by hand then took it back off by hand. Fine tuned it with all the things you're supposed to do post op, then had my photo op. My interior is all dressed with Adam's also, but I won't post all that right now. I do have the cashmere leather with the faux inserts. very sharp looking ride. I think Nissan did a great job with the re-design. YMMV
    I've never been a fanboy of anything in my life, but today I can say I have become an Adam's fanboy. That goes against everything I believe in (being a fanboy), but I'm proud to say it.
    Thanks Adam's for all you do and stand for. You are a good man and I hope that when it comes time for you to step down and hand over the reigns to another, those that succeed you will carry that banner proudly; with integrity and passion, just like you do.
    Rock on!        

  3. Like
    JEH63 got a reaction from TheWolf in 2016 Maxima   
    So, I've been using Adam's products now for a few years, not long, and I have to say I'm very pleased with the results every time I do my cars. A little background on me.
    I'm 52 years old and I've been hands-on cars for around 30 of those years. I have worked in automotive dealerships for a number of years starting in make-ready working on crews, then working my way into managing crews. Worked my way out of that and into parts, then into sales. I've worked in finance and that is when I got out of the dealership environment. Started my own mobile detail service and did that for 3 years, then got picked up by a national detail chemical manufacturer that provided detail chems and sealants to car dealers on a national level. I worked for this company for 20 years until I left them 4 years ago and went independent agency to provide ancillary, insurance and reinsurance products to dealers. 
    I have used just about every boutique and mainline product out there and all work to some degree. The ease of use varies from manufacturer and I've had a lot of time over the years to pick and choose what I think works best for me. That's the beauty of detailing, there are many different ways to get from point "A" to point "B". However, in the journey to find what works the best, and "the best" is truly relative, I have found that there are certain processes you can shortcut, and then there are processes you just can't to get specific results. I have detailed very simple jobs that require very little work and I have taken specific jobs that require extreme care.
    One comes to mind many years ago and that was one of the first Vipers to hit San Antonio back in the day when Viper was new in the market. It was a black coupe and I happened to be servicing a dodge store the day before it was to be delivered. It was in the service bay under the florescent lights at sunset. I walked up to the car and it was full of light clear coat scratches all over the body panels. I asked the service manager what happened to the car. Was it delivered to the dealer that way, or did your make-ready do this washing the car? He said make-ready did it and they had waxed it already. I asked him when they were delivering it and he said the next day. The gentleman that purchased this $75k car was very wealthy and already had ordered a blue coupe with the silver stripes and was looking to purchase future generations of Vipers down the road. I asked the service manager if he was really going to deliver that car looking like that. He said he didn't want to, but had no choice.
    I mentioned to him that i could fix that for him if he wanted to call his customer and ask him if he could deliver that car the following Monday. This was on a Friday evening I had this conversation. The SM asked what I would do to correct the problem and how long. I told him two days and I would wet sand the whole car the first day and then polish it out the second day. I had known this service manager for many years because he had been a customer of mine for about 15 years at this time. He knew my capabilities. He agreed. I quoted him a price and he contacted his customer, locking down the deal.
    I picked-up the car early Saturday morning and took it back to my house. I wiped the car down, it wasn't dirty, and I began the sanding. I started with 1500 grit and sanded every horizontal and vertical inch of the car. I then came back over with 2000 grit and repeated the process. By that night I had a completely dull and lifeless brand new $75k Dodge Viper sitting in my garage begging for a shiny black paint job. I cleaned up and went to bed.
    I got up early Sunday morning and began the arduous task of bringing that black paint back to life. I began with a light synthetic wool pad and a synthetic compound that had no grit. It was a chemical compound as to reduce the amount of swirls in the paint and less likely to burn into the fiberglass. After that step, I used a foam compound pad and the same synthetic cutter to bring out my swirls I created when cutting the paint with wool. After achieving the results I was looking for, I came back with a black foam pad and a non-silicone based polish and glazed that black paint into a shiny deep gloss. After that step, I took an acrylic sealer and black foam pad and polished the acrylic onto the paint. After that step, I took my orbital and buffed the acrylic off the paint. This was an all day and into the night job, but after it was done it was beautiful. I inspected it under my garage florescents and my mounted halogens. The next morning, I inspected the car in the morning sunrise, some of the most revealing light other than sunset, and then re-inspected the car in full noon sunlight. Not a wool cut or scratch on the car. Just deep, rich and wet looking black paint.
    I delivered the car to the dealer's client late that Sunday afternoon and he was very pleased. I wound up getting his other Vipers and the rest of his cars in his rather very large garage of very nice rides as repeat business.
    I tell you this long and somewhat boring story to say this. We all learn from someone how to detail cars. We start with specific products typically because of what someone put in our hand and said, this is the best thing since sliced bread. As we grow in our trade and acquire new skill sets, we begin to branch out an try other brands and hone our techniques. This is what makes us unique as detailers and gives us our own identities. We all learn from someone typically who has done it really well.
    I expanded my knowledge into the design of products (Acrylics, Teflon, Silicone and water based waxes), then dove into fluoro co-polymers and eventually into environmentally safe nanotech. Molecules as small as 1 billionth of a meter long. Smaller than a molecule. I understand how a product is built and have lab tested and independently lab tested my company's products against my competition in the market I worked within. So, I get it. 
    However, Since I've been using Adam's, I have been so impressed with their approach to the market as it relates to the functionality of a product and how they market that product to you and me. From the ease of use, the videos they put out there to help their market understand the best use according to their design of that product, to the way scent plays into the psychological aspect of the user and how that helps lock in the user as it relates to identification. Some may not realize this, but scent plays a huge part in the way a user not only identifies with the product, but it also can manipulate the mood while a user works with the product. Adam's is using some very appealing scents in their product line and I personally appreciate that. I would have to assume that many other Adam's users feel the same.
    Adam's approach to the market obviously begins with Adam selling, well, Adam. He then sells his company as well as any great marketing firm could. With that type of best practices it then becomes easy to sell his product. He stands behind his products with a great guarantee and he places himself on the front line. He obviously hires quality people because they carry the Adam's flag with pride. It's apparent.
    I see Adam as an American success story and that compels me to do business with him. I am drawn first to this company because of the amount of integrity that is practiced. If he started selling baked goods I would most likely buy bread from him. That's how good I feel about Adam.
    Ok, I know I've gone on way too much, and I apologize for that. The pics I've posted are of my new 2016 Maxima. I started the detail by wet sanding a couple of bird dropping blemishes out of the clear, then used the orange correcting compound with an orange foam pad. I came back with the white polish and white pad then followed up with their new Acrylic paint sealant with a black foam pad. I used all of these steps with my Flex buffer. I came back and hand wiped the Acrylic off with Adam's super plush towels. I came back the next day and applied a coat of Patriot Wax by hand then took it back off by hand. Fine tuned it with all the things you're supposed to do post op, then had my photo op. My interior is all dressed with Adam's also, but I won't post all that right now. I do have the cashmere leather with the faux inserts. very sharp looking ride. I think Nissan did a great job with the re-design. YMMV
    I've never been a fanboy of anything in my life, but today I can say I have become an Adam's fanboy. That goes against everything I believe in (being a fanboy), but I'm proud to say it.
    Thanks Adam's for all you do and stand for. You are a good man and I hope that when it comes time for you to step down and hand over the reigns to another, those that succeed you will carry that banner proudly; with integrity and passion, just like you do.
    Rock on!        

  4. Like
    JEH63 got a reaction from Junior in 2016 Maxima   
    So, I've been using Adam's products now for a few years, not long, and I have to say I'm very pleased with the results every time I do my cars. A little background on me.
    I'm 52 years old and I've been hands-on cars for around 30 of those years. I have worked in automotive dealerships for a number of years starting in make-ready working on crews, then working my way into managing crews. Worked my way out of that and into parts, then into sales. I've worked in finance and that is when I got out of the dealership environment. Started my own mobile detail service and did that for 3 years, then got picked up by a national detail chemical manufacturer that provided detail chems and sealants to car dealers on a national level. I worked for this company for 20 years until I left them 4 years ago and went independent agency to provide ancillary, insurance and reinsurance products to dealers. 
    I have used just about every boutique and mainline product out there and all work to some degree. The ease of use varies from manufacturer and I've had a lot of time over the years to pick and choose what I think works best for me. That's the beauty of detailing, there are many different ways to get from point "A" to point "B". However, in the journey to find what works the best, and "the best" is truly relative, I have found that there are certain processes you can shortcut, and then there are processes you just can't to get specific results. I have detailed very simple jobs that require very little work and I have taken specific jobs that require extreme care.
    One comes to mind many years ago and that was one of the first Vipers to hit San Antonio back in the day when Viper was new in the market. It was a black coupe and I happened to be servicing a dodge store the day before it was to be delivered. It was in the service bay under the florescent lights at sunset. I walked up to the car and it was full of light clear coat scratches all over the body panels. I asked the service manager what happened to the car. Was it delivered to the dealer that way, or did your make-ready do this washing the car? He said make-ready did it and they had waxed it already. I asked him when they were delivering it and he said the next day. The gentleman that purchased this $75k car was very wealthy and already had ordered a blue coupe with the silver stripes and was looking to purchase future generations of Vipers down the road. I asked the service manager if he was really going to deliver that car looking like that. He said he didn't want to, but had no choice.
    I mentioned to him that i could fix that for him if he wanted to call his customer and ask him if he could deliver that car the following Monday. This was on a Friday evening I had this conversation. The SM asked what I would do to correct the problem and how long. I told him two days and I would wet sand the whole car the first day and then polish it out the second day. I had known this service manager for many years because he had been a customer of mine for about 15 years at this time. He knew my capabilities. He agreed. I quoted him a price and he contacted his customer, locking down the deal.
    I picked-up the car early Saturday morning and took it back to my house. I wiped the car down, it wasn't dirty, and I began the sanding. I started with 1500 grit and sanded every horizontal and vertical inch of the car. I then came back over with 2000 grit and repeated the process. By that night I had a completely dull and lifeless brand new $75k Dodge Viper sitting in my garage begging for a shiny black paint job. I cleaned up and went to bed.
    I got up early Sunday morning and began the arduous task of bringing that black paint back to life. I began with a light synthetic wool pad and a synthetic compound that had no grit. It was a chemical compound as to reduce the amount of swirls in the paint and less likely to burn into the fiberglass. After that step, I used a foam compound pad and the same synthetic cutter to bring out my swirls I created when cutting the paint with wool. After achieving the results I was looking for, I came back with a black foam pad and a non-silicone based polish and glazed that black paint into a shiny deep gloss. After that step, I took an acrylic sealer and black foam pad and polished the acrylic onto the paint. After that step, I took my orbital and buffed the acrylic off the paint. This was an all day and into the night job, but after it was done it was beautiful. I inspected it under my garage florescents and my mounted halogens. The next morning, I inspected the car in the morning sunrise, some of the most revealing light other than sunset, and then re-inspected the car in full noon sunlight. Not a wool cut or scratch on the car. Just deep, rich and wet looking black paint.
    I delivered the car to the dealer's client late that Sunday afternoon and he was very pleased. I wound up getting his other Vipers and the rest of his cars in his rather very large garage of very nice rides as repeat business.
    I tell you this long and somewhat boring story to say this. We all learn from someone how to detail cars. We start with specific products typically because of what someone put in our hand and said, this is the best thing since sliced bread. As we grow in our trade and acquire new skill sets, we begin to branch out an try other brands and hone our techniques. This is what makes us unique as detailers and gives us our own identities. We all learn from someone typically who has done it really well.
    I expanded my knowledge into the design of products (Acrylics, Teflon, Silicone and water based waxes), then dove into fluoro co-polymers and eventually into environmentally safe nanotech. Molecules as small as 1 billionth of a meter long. Smaller than a molecule. I understand how a product is built and have lab tested and independently lab tested my company's products against my competition in the market I worked within. So, I get it. 
    However, Since I've been using Adam's, I have been so impressed with their approach to the market as it relates to the functionality of a product and how they market that product to you and me. From the ease of use, the videos they put out there to help their market understand the best use according to their design of that product, to the way scent plays into the psychological aspect of the user and how that helps lock in the user as it relates to identification. Some may not realize this, but scent plays a huge part in the way a user not only identifies with the product, but it also can manipulate the mood while a user works with the product. Adam's is using some very appealing scents in their product line and I personally appreciate that. I would have to assume that many other Adam's users feel the same.
    Adam's approach to the market obviously begins with Adam selling, well, Adam. He then sells his company as well as any great marketing firm could. With that type of best practices it then becomes easy to sell his product. He stands behind his products with a great guarantee and he places himself on the front line. He obviously hires quality people because they carry the Adam's flag with pride. It's apparent.
    I see Adam as an American success story and that compels me to do business with him. I am drawn first to this company because of the amount of integrity that is practiced. If he started selling baked goods I would most likely buy bread from him. That's how good I feel about Adam.
    Ok, I know I've gone on way too much, and I apologize for that. The pics I've posted are of my new 2016 Maxima. I started the detail by wet sanding a couple of bird dropping blemishes out of the clear, then used the orange correcting compound with an orange foam pad. I came back with the white polish and white pad then followed up with their new Acrylic paint sealant with a black foam pad. I used all of these steps with my Flex buffer. I came back and hand wiped the Acrylic off with Adam's super plush towels. I came back the next day and applied a coat of Patriot Wax by hand then took it back off by hand. Fine tuned it with all the things you're supposed to do post op, then had my photo op. My interior is all dressed with Adam's also, but I won't post all that right now. I do have the cashmere leather with the faux inserts. very sharp looking ride. I think Nissan did a great job with the re-design. YMMV
    I've never been a fanboy of anything in my life, but today I can say I have become an Adam's fanboy. That goes against everything I believe in (being a fanboy), but I'm proud to say it.
    Thanks Adam's for all you do and stand for. You are a good man and I hope that when it comes time for you to step down and hand over the reigns to another, those that succeed you will carry that banner proudly; with integrity and passion, just like you do.
    Rock on!        

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    JEH63 got a reaction from Dan@Adams in Apology: Dispenser Pumps on Brilliant Glaze STINK!   
    I didn't care for the pumps, but they came with an order I placed a few months ago. I had no choice. I don't like them because they do take up a bit more space in the bag, and as one of the posters had mentioned previously, they did squirt if anything sat on top of them and applied enough pressure to activate them. Glad to see you stepping up and calling those out. I appreciate your humility, Adam, and this is why I'll keep buying from you.
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