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Everything posted by Giovanni95

  1. Just wanted to update the whole issue on the sap on my truck. I ordered the tarminator as Ricky bobby suggested and man! It worked magic for sure. That stuff was dried on so hard after the few weeks I couldn't wash my truck. It took it right off and then some places needed two applications, but it worked. That stuff just has a super hard scent to it though.
  2. Yeah I actually googled it first and it kept saying terminator, but then I put in some other key words and found it. Ordering it on amazon prime, I will definitely let you guys know and I'll try my best to get some pics up of my truck!
  3. The link won't work, could you post the website with the product?
  4. At this point Dan the sap just looks so bad that if the sponge leaves swirl marks which I'm sure it will, I wouldn't mind because then it would make me finally take out my rupes and do some correcting. I will try detail spray and claying it first, then the alcohol as wolf suggested then, if neither of those work... Machine polishing it is! But won't the sap cake up into the pad though?
  5. I may try the isopropyl alcohol, that's what I was thinking about to do next. Too bad I don't have any waterless wash, but once the sap is off the truck needs a good wash clay and some H20 guard and gloss. I love how quickly you respond it makes things so much easier.
  6. Guys I need help! My truck I use personally and for my landscaping. Short story, I was trimming a 20 foot ficus hedge and one thing about them is that they have this white sap and it got all over my truck . I tried using diluted 50:50 APC and a pressure washer and nothing. What do you guys think I should do? I'm going to try and scrub it with my safe scrub bug sponge and see if that works.
  7. Thank you for the reply! I will dilute some of the spray first as you suggested. When I do it I'll let you guys know how it worked out.
  8. Another question for you guys. Anyone know if all purpose cleaner would be the best thing to clean soot from a diesel exhaust on the rear of my truck? Would it hurt the paint?
  9. Well where did he go? The post seems slightly mysterious
  10. It definitely does, I will put that on my list of things to purchase very soon! But first I must buy a few more Adams products to complete a whole detailing process. How does steam work around the console?
  11. Wow man the interior looks wonderful now I think I'm convinced haha. Nice cars in your signature
  12. Thanks for that man! Yeah I know some cup holders have that rubber mat in it, but I was thinking more about the ones that don't. I've actually watched some videos on steam cleaning and how it can cause damage but also all the great stuff it can do and then they show these super awesome cleaners and knowing me I always want the best BUT it doesn't make sense because I don't want to get into anything where I would need such a heavy duty commercial steamer. Anyways Ricky bobby mentioned the MC1385 and I'm mostly likely to purchase it due to price and the good reviews, does anyone else have any more reviews on that machine? Maybe what you have done with it car interior wise. Tell me what you guys are using now as well I would love to hear!
  13. Just came across this going through the thread. DUDE WHAT COLOR IS THAT?! DEFINITELY THE COOLEST AND NICEST COLOR IVE SEEN!
  14. This is interesting, I would have never thought this would have happened!
  15. Now that you say your steamer is good for cleaning nooks and crannies, would you use that to clean stains that are on plastic in the interior? Also how do you clean dirty cup holders or even those door pockets? When I get a chance ill post pics on here, but you may know what I am talking about.
  16. Thats what it was! Definitely will be another investment and weapon to my arsenal for detailing. This stuff gets expensive! hahah
  17. Thanks for all the info everyone, when I finally get to detailing the aspen, when I am done I will definitely post pictures. I'll make sure to ask if I have any more questions!
  18. That is great to know that it worked well for you and that it looks great after.
  19. The BG is a great idea after I finish. I will mostly try the rims by machine and see how it works as right now I don't have any hand polishes. Wet sanding is using sand paper at like 2000,3000 grit paper with some detail spray correct? The focus pad is something I need to get soon as well as a few other things I'm missing because just about everything I've noticed is crucial!
  20. I will try that too. It actually isn't mine it's my neighbors that are like second parents to me (just turned 20). I use it sometimes and it drives like a dream and has the nice 5.7 hemi in it!
  21. Awesome thanks for that! Should I get the hand polishing things or should I try with the machine polish using my rupes?
  22. Good evening everyone I have a few questions that I would love to be answered! I just bought a lot of adams products and i'm getting a little more serious into detailing as a hobby since I just enjoy it and will do it for my already customers! These are just some covers over the actual rim and they look terrible, its like a plastic chrome type thing. Is there anything I could do to refreshen them? The headlights are a bit hazy I plan on using the fine machine polish on it with my new rupes big foot 15mm or what do you guys suggest? Again more of this plastic chrome type stuff looking bad and hazy. Then this last part on the back you can really tell what I mean about the haze and how bad it looks.
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