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Posts posted by matty

  1. So my 2016 F150 came with a coating of Zaktek on it from the dealership, or so they say.  I am supposed to go in every 6 months and get the coating reapplied.  It's completely free of charge, no skin off of my back except for the 4 hours it takes them to apply it.  As long as I keep going in every six months and getting the Zaktek reapplied my paint will be covered under warranty according to the dealer.


    so I'm just curious if anyone here has any knowledge on this product.  Like I said it's a four hour process for them to put the sealant on so I don't know what steps are involved in the proces ( i.e. strip washing, claying, etc...) prior to the Zaktek application.  I don't know how this could be any type of scam as it's completely free of charge but then again that seems to good to be true.  I am due for my first application next month.  


    So any thoughts or comment son this would be greatly appreciated.  I would assume it's still ok for me to wash, wax, clay bar, seal, etc...my truck myself with Adams products in between Zaktek applications but I'm not sure as I know absolutely nothing about it.

  2. I have a brand new 2016 truck that's about three months old now.  Just coming up on it's first oil change.  I wash it weekly and have been using Adams products on it.  other than the basic weekly washes I did one daily driver detail on it about 4 weeks ago which was basically a wash, clay bar with detail spray, then H2O G and G.  


    I am planning on doing a full detail on it soon which would be a wash, clay bar, revive polish, lps, then Americana Wax.  My question is should my wash be a strip wash?  As I stated earlier I have not waxed the vehicle yet and the only product that has been applied to the paint other than the car shampoo is the detail spray and the H2O G and G.  If I should do a strip wash what do I use to do that?  Do I just mix some APC with my bucket of Car Shampoo?  If so what is the ratio?


    Thanks in advance for any input and advice.

  3. Thanks guys.  My truck is a daily driver and I live in Arizona so wiping it down every day is a must.  dust collects quick.  My truck is only a few months old so I want to keep the paint in great condition.  I haven't noticed any visible scratches from the California duster as of yet so I was hoping that it wasn't causing any damage as it's a great way to wipe the truck down every day to keep clean. 


    Thanks for the input.

  4. What are everyone's thoughts on using a California Duster?  I haven't seen it discussed here in the forums and I haven't seen it being mentioned in anyone's daily routines, so are they not recommended?  Do they cause any damage to your clear coat (scratches, swirls, etc..). 


    any input would be appreciated

  5. thanks yall!! okay i still need to buy the h20 sealant then. any thoughts on the polishes 1 and 2? worth buying some of the products are pricey but honestly is it worth the price yall?

    I will agree with what all of the others have said.  The short is answer is a resounding yes, Adams products are absolutely worth the money.  I'm very new to the Adams line and I have only gotten two truck washes in since I stocked up on about 200 dollars worth of Adams products but I can tell you that it is hands down the best product line I have used.  Granted I have only used about 5 different other lines but Adams blows them all away.  I wouldn't hesitate to try out any of his products.  

  6. I apologize if this has been covered before but I spent some time reading through the forums and I haven't seen it.  


    I'm just curious how often everyone washes their drying towels?  I use the Great White Drying Towel to dry my truck after a wash (which is a great towel by the way) and I have just been spraying it down with the hose real good and wringing it out after I'm done then letting it air dry.  Should I be washing it after every truck wash?  


    Thanks in advance.

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