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Everything posted by rondre

  1. I used the ultra plush drying towel for the first time this past weekend on my mother in law's nissan murano. I did not read the product details first and having also used and loved the griots pfm drying towel it seemed like the adams one was the same but only 1 side having the loops. That being said, I used almost exclusively the more "plush" side for the long drags on the water (the suv had no protection on it) and can say that i dried the entire vehicle with just this one towel and no streaking. It was pretty cold out (for my area) around high 40's to low 50's id say so there was little to no evaporation. I'd have to place the ultra plush and griots pfm on even footing after that test as I've only used the griots on my wife's mazda 6 but it blew through it like a champ. Having now read to use the "thinner" side I'm eager to try it on my wife's car next and see what I think. To the OP, I haven't used Adams great white towel but have used the rag company dry me a river which i would assume would be similar and i can guarantee you that the ultra plush will far surpass both. If you have a large vehicle or multiple vehicles you can't go wrong with the 2 pack and save 10 bucks on their site.
  2. Thanks - I guess my tires are just blooming non-stop in certain parts. I am using the Adams Tire & Rubber Cleaner (just got a gallon of it as I'm impressed with it) and the adams tire brush which totally kicks the snot out of the pos pep boys one i was using. I can say that when I first saw it I was not impressed as the handle looked slightly mangled but when using it I realized that was for excellent grip when wet. After the first few bristles fell out I've had little fall out since and it's pretty awesome. I'll just keep doing multiple passes with the tire and rubber cleaner for the next few washes and hopefully the blooming will stop so I don't blow through that gallon lol. Will be updating the mystery box thread in a minute, got some good stuff.
  3. Newish to the forums and couldn't find anything on this specifically so I apologize if this has been talked about. I've got a new (to me) truck with relatively new large tires and I cannot get the brown off the tires for the life of me. I've tried multiple products including a few all purpose cleaners (Adams (non-eco), Super Clean and Optimum Power clean) and all will remove some gunk but the tire's still brown. I bit the bullet and bought the new tire and rubber cleaner by Adams and holy smokes do I get a ton of gunk coming off and much faster, however, I cannot get the brown off the part of the tire near the rim and some other spots near the treads. I've literally gone over the tires 5+ times with the T&R cleaner and each time it's mostly white but brown in those areas and not coming off. Tried letting the product sit for up to a minute, tried pre-wetting and not wetting, seems I've exhausted differen tricks to get rid of it but not working. So question is - can I get rid of that or is this something related to the blooming that you just can't get rid of and if the latter how do i know when the tire is clean enough to apply tire shine to? Thanks in advance!
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