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Everything posted by Zoutlawss

  1. haha I've only won $50 cash that's enough for two bottles of Brilliant Glaze
  2. I just want to thank all of you at Adams Polish for the great products I have been using this year. Every chance I get I promote your products to others at events. This year has been the best year for me at car events using Patriot Wax, Brilliant Glaze, VRT , Detail Spray, In and Out spray and of course leather cleaner and leather conditioner. I have a ton of other products from Adams but these are by far the ones I use all of the time. Today I got a mystery Box that my son got me for Fathers day. It had Buttery wax, Clay bar kit and some detail spray that I also love to use. I have not tried the Buttery wax so looking forward to trying that. The Patriot Wax and Brilliant Glaze combo is what is getting me all of these awards I keep winning week after week. Last year I may have got lucky and won maybe every five events. This year I have been winning at almost every event I attend. I would highly recommend Patriot Wax and Brilliant Glaze especially if you have a red car. people comment about the shine all of the time and ask me what I use. I just pull out my Adams detail bag filled with all the goodies and show them Last night after work I was way too tired to glaze the car after I washed it. This morning I pull up to the show and wipe it down with detail spray then grab the can of in and out and like magic back to the super shine. Thanks for making the SS stand out here is a few pics and some of the awards I have won the past six weeks
  3. I can't tell you how many people came up to me at car shows now and ask me what I use on my car. Last year. This did not happen and I was using the regular store bought stuff. Today was only my second show this season with around 150 cars. I placed in the top ten and that surprised the heck out of me because I had a ton of competition and three Mustangs in show. This is apparently a Ford loving area I live in and I'm kinda use to it by now. today my car looked awesome. Had a coat of patriot on it and two coats of brilliant glaze. VRT on the tires and In and out spray on all the black molding. wipers and fog light bezels. Finished it off with the leather conditioner and Glaze on all the exterior glass. People asked me what I used I opened my trunk and pulled out my Adams detail bag and let them see and smell . Packed full of Adams products. For those of you taking your car to shows I would highly recommend the patriot wax and Brilliant Glaze together.
  4. I just spray it on and wait 15 to 20 seconds and wipe it off. I applied it after I put the Brilliant Glaze on the paint and it just wiped off with no issues. been using it for a few weeks
  5. Just wanted to say WOW on the car shampoo. Very first time I have ever used it. Loved the suds and the smell. Washed the car out in the sunlight and not one issue except my hose kinking. Washed the entire car in about 15 minutes. Used the Adams bucket and grit guard as well. Very impressed and will be buying more. Used the ADAM'S 10" CAR WASH PAD and it did the job but is there anything that is better ? Like the red wash mit ?
  6. I got a Colorado that I never drive because this car is so much fun to drive. The Colorado It's a four cylinder and everytime I try to pass someone it takes forever. My Camaro SS I just drop a few gears and it's instant smiles and CYA. I bought it to save on fuel and park the SS That ain't workin
  7. I guess I'm pretty damn bad about anything touching my car. So I carry every product I need to take care of anything in that red bag to the left and at least 20 Microfiber towels of all sorts in the bag to the right. The cooler is for when I get thirsty wiping the car down when needed. I guess I got some crazy detail habits you couldn't tell by what I have in my trunk at all times right ? Oh also there are snacks in that bag to the right as well when I need some energy
  8. I was thinking the same thing that the scratches where under the clear coat. because there was a leather strap over this area and the owner took it off because he did not like it
  9. Yea the top original post photo was a stock photo. The ones I just posted are the exact vehicle I should have mentioned that in the beginning
  10. Good luck on the black car That color is always fun and looks amazing when done properly . Black and red are my two favorites to work on. What happens if you mess up moms car ? My mom would never notice and if she did I would run
  11. Drink lots of beer and crank up some AC/DC and get with it. Don't be skeered Just start out slow and pay attention to detail. Start out light on a small section and inspect ! Then if needed go a little more aggressive on the compound and pad again same small section apply a little more pressure but not enough to stop the motion. mark the back of your backing plate with a black felt marker so you can see if the pad stops rotating. Everything works out put some shades on and pull it out into the sun and be prepared to be amazed. Try not to make the mistake of going too fast. Nice and slow passes take your time. I use mainly the white and orange pads and it seems to take care of most issues I have been dealing with
  12. I have no idea why I could not get the scratch in the clear coat out. really did not look that deep at all but was not willing to take a chance pushing it too hard. hes going to put a checkered flag on the front part and that will cover it up. The one on the back was light as well so it should have came out with a few passes but did not. It improved but just was going to require more. wasn't willing to go that far on paint that was less than six months old
  13. Well I went to do the Morgan and worked for three hours on two panels. Started out least aggressive and went a little more multiple passes and it made the scratches look better but not completely removed. Was way to worried since the paint was not old enough for me to go a little harder. Plus I have no idea about the clear coat thickness or how they actually paint these things so really did not want to take the chance. Told customer I can push it a little more and it was up to him to make the decision. Light compound polish Sealant Patriot Wax Brilliant Glaze Really wish I could have gotten the scratch out. You could not feel it at all. Usually I can get these out with a couple of passes with a light compound but these where just not cooperating. First time I have ever even seen one of these. Sorry for the last pic I moved just a little taking it
  14. Apparently the one I am doing does not have a matte finish so I am good to go on the polish. Just has light scratch on clear coat. One pass with a polisher should do the trick. Im going to get the scratch out seal it and then wax and then maybe a coat of glaze to make it pop
  15. Car show went great I did not win a trophy but it was fun. Nothing won older than 1960 The votes came from the car owners in the show Peoples choice ! Anytime this happens they always vote for the older cars because that is mainly what they bring to the show. I had no idea about the awards. Next weekend I'm going to a show that has my class. I usually do very well at these shows. One thing that was asked many times at the show was what products I use ? One guy who has seen my camaro many times said he has never seen my car look so good. I opened my trunk and showed them all the Adams products I use and they where amazed at the shine on the car. Guarantee you some will be buying the Patriot wax after they seen my Camaro. Really impressed after using these products on my Car the attention the car received was amazing
  16. Finally done and took some excellent advice and added some Brilliant Glaze after the patriot wax. Wow this is one crazy shine on this car. Low light in garage my LED lights make it to bright for pictures. The only issue with the glaze it seemed hard to get off and I don't remember it being this hard to wipe off. I really had to apply some pressure and go over multiple times to remove it. Gonna have to pull it outside in the morning and check to make sure it all is off. 16" x 16" Professional Edgeless 420 GSM Dual-Pile Premium Plush Microfiber is what I used. Anybody think it was the Towel ?
  17. By the way I used Patriot Wax, VRT and leather conditioner. In & Out. Can't seem to edit the post above
  18. Little work getting done before the car show in the morning
  19. Will try that before the show thanks yea added some conditioner to the boots and they look sweet
  20. Here is a few more shots. Today I waxed under the hood, door jams and trunk lid. Cleaned my boots after a few years. Tomorrow is the carshow I have spent three weeks getting ready for. Patriot Wax is now my favorite wax
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