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Posts posted by Checo

  1. Post some cards up in your local coffee shops, I honestly have never used a web site, I get business daily. It's all about friends of friends and word of mouth. Coupons and discount only bring cheap people to the table, you will never see them again and they have the dirtiest cars. Instagram is also a good way to post pictures like Churro boy^^^^ has stated above, it's a great way to get the word out.

    Agreed, you don't want to attract cheap people as they tend to have cars in the worst state and only want to pay for the bare minimal but expect a full detail.

  2. Try to get a website going. The demographic youre looking for is very visual, and if you can get some nice clean cars of your previous work in there, im sure thatll make you stand out. 

    Im pretty sure its a lot easier to make a website nowadays than it used to. Might be worth the investment.


    Start an Instagram and post before and after pictures, people really seem to love those ,you will definitely get a couple of calls from people that like what they see.

  3. The longer the glue sits on the seat has ill effects, it won't be coming off easy, it's glue it's forming a permanent bond to the surface. Unfortunately the only possible way to remove it would have been a steamer.

    Do not try the drill scrubbing attachment it will only wear down the leather and destroy the leathers surface before you even get any glue removal.

    Agreed don't use a drill attachment on leather it will only make the leather extremely fragile, instead using a soft boars hair brush and leather and interior cleaner do light repeated passes.

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