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Everything posted by jpu471

  1. More to say later but have to quickly say one of the more satisfying experiences in a long time. I am convinced the product is good the people are the best. What this country's business community is sorely lacking. Thanks Adam Steve Dylan Jose and gosh darn it the whole Adams community.
  2. Hey I sent this guy money for my training and never got my ninja certificate
  3. http://cbs13.com/slideshows/<wbr>pet.halloween.costumes.20.<wbr>847921.html
  4. My son got over 200 responses, reading your posts the majority came from you. Remember this was a project to design a survey it wasnt really about beer. Maybe he could help design one for this forum. Oh the god /goddess question really stirred up a lot of thought, and goddess won by almost 100 over god. our feminine side i guess. Thank you all very much Ken
  5. So far with over a hundred replys from various sources Goddess is beating God by 2-1 One person we do know said they wanted god but felt putting Goddess would make him more attractive to the ladies. its not really the way he put it;) ::Thank you all again for the responses so far
  6. Oops thanks for pointing that out. Well 60 is the new 65. My son also feels that Adams Polish people drink more sophisticated beer than his friends. Thank you all for the responses so far.
  7. Jonathan, my son, designed this survey for a class he is taking at Cal St Northridge Cal. Would you fill it out please. They are trying to get 200 responses this week--hopefully! thanks, JPU471 Ken http://isboutique.com/<wbr>limesurvey/index.php?sid=<wbr>35871&lang=en
  8. Sorry about that.When I pushed the send button I realized it was not the correct thing to do. Downside of the internet.
  9. This is embarrassing, my kids tell me the same thing.
  10. wow talk about memories one Christmas in 1962 my dad bought my mom a set of pots and pans........... it was not a merry Christmas
  11. no i will not buy until adams comes out with the new stuff loyalty but curious
  12. yes the one that came with the pc the one that aj said i'd go to pc h*** if i didn't use it:)
  13. i will pass it on as well then duck
  14. My wife cannot believe there is a website for people who like to wash their cars:D i wonder if there is a housecleaning site
  15. what is the size of the pc washer while changing my backing plate it fell off and disappeared also my pc is new yet when i turn it off there is a little binding "squeak" mice?
  16. thanks for the suggestions i will be pressing harder when putting the pad on
  17. the cars finish was so poor that i used a 6. the other thing going against me was the sun heating up the surface and drying the polish too quickly. maybe somehow the pad was unbalanced or maybe i was. did my sons, remember Jonathan's (the computer kid,actually just turned 21) 2003 honda. anyhow i talked to steve at the warehouse who replaced the pad and like you had never seen anything like it. its good to be unique nice to hear from you
  18. oh oh too "new age" for me i guess I wax too poetic ok well I slapped some wax on the car and it looks shiny:thumbsup:
  19. http://www.life.com/image/2668080/in-gallery/25371/30-dumb-inventions
  20. You know its like everything else, at first you want it perfect, immediately, just like the videos and you get unhappy if it isn't perfect the first time,so whose first time was perfect;) So, you write a whole bunch of posts why didn't this or that work whose fault, its the American immediate gratification law. This isn't to say that we don't have legitimate questions as we learn. But then you take another look at the car and the improvement and the how and why it can be better and relax and actually enjoy the process and be proud of the new skill one has learned and how it will only get better. I think the key to life is: less product, less speed, and less pressure. (I think I see a T- shirt here)
  21. You know its like everything else, at first you want it perfect, immediately, just like the videos and you get unhappy if it isn't perfect the first time,so whose first time was perfect;) So, you write a whole bunch of posts why didn't this or that work whose fault, its the American immediate gratification law. This isn't to say that we don't have legitimate questions as we learn. But then you take another look at the car and the improvement and the how and why it can be better and relax and actually enjoy the process and be proud of the new skill one has learned and how it will only get better. I think the key to life is: less product, less speed, and less pressure. (I think I see a T- shirt here) oh a lot of coffee! it was a trip to start when there was still a full moon.
  22. if there is one thing i have learned from the Marine its stop and start on the surface. I think it is because of the curves and sides surfaces where the pad doesn't make the contact it does as on the horizontal so the pad is not as flat so it is not as balanced. also does the rotation of the pad slow down on the sides of the car or again is this part of that learning curve?
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