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Posts posted by Derek

  1. As said above, I use the funnel too. I was considering getting the pump but I've found the most cost effective method for starting out to be to get the funnel as it's the easiest to use for all your different gallons. However, I do plan to eventually get pumps for all of my gallons...maybe in a few orders ?

  2. 1 hour ago, falcaineer said:

    You should really consider the MRB. It'll take care of all your cleaning needs and is a much better option for cleaning towels, pads, etc. Absent that, I don't know if pods are a good option. Instead, just get the liquid free and clear detergent. All works pretty well for a lower cost. But again, MRB is the preferred option of any of them.


    57 minutes ago, Rich said:

    Get the Microfiber Revitalizer.  Use that and gentle cycle in the machine.  You could even fill a bucket and add some MR to it and soak them for a couple hours before washing.   I don't recommend the pods.  Even Woolite is better.  You can toss your mitts into the dryer on low or no heat, then hang them up, open side down, to finish drying. Don't put them back into a bucket, especially with a lid on it, when they're damp. 

    Actually just got some MRB in my latest order so I’ll jusr use that. Recommended sizing for it? I’ve heard 2 ounces?

  3. 10 hours ago, SlammedRT said:

    I would imagine mold would be the worst that could happen. Maybe something more? You can stick them in the wash machine. Cold with scent and dye free detergent. Dry on air dry or low heat. No linens or dry sheets.


    10 hours ago, ExcellentAmp said:

    You may not even need to dry them. My wash media (mitts and wash pads) are nearly dry after the washing cycle.

    Did some research and I’ll pick up some tide pods free and gentle. Appreciate the help guys

  4. Could be a dumb question...but it’s been about a week and a half since I’ve washed my car. Last time I did so it looks like my wash mitt(s) didn’t dry out completely since I was in a hurry cleaning up, and still are moist and have some water inside. 


    1- what could happen from this?

    2- what’s the best (and quickest) way to clean the mitts safely to make sure they are still good to wash with?

  5. 14 hours ago, Traizer said:

    2018 saw 2 releases of mint chocolate, black bottle for valentines day and st. Patricks shortly after 



    15 hours ago, pirahnah3 said:

    ok Slacked off long enough so I put this together. IMG_20180506_150613.thumb.jpg.49546fa9a336ac9ccd0652b6bdc8b6ef.jpg

    Both fantastic collections...wish I would’ve been in the game for some of theses I know there’s a very slim possibility but I’ll take a shot here, would either of you be willing to sell any of them?

  6. Hey all, so I joined the detailing game this past fall so I'm a little late to the party...just out of curiosity anyone have pictures of their collection or any info on some of the past limited edition detail sprays? I like to try and have one from each season and was just curious what all limited edition ones have come in the past and if anyone potentially has extras they'd be willing to sell off if they are unopened. Thanks in advance.

  7. Not sure if anyone would happen to know if Adams is going to release a 15% off shopping cart discount or anything of the sort sometime soon? Just missed it a few days ago when it ended...very big order in my cart and it would help me save a good chunk of change. If anyone has a good guess or information I would greatly appreciate it!

  8. 1 minute ago, Rich said:

    Won't hurt the wax at all.  If it's not real dirty, you could even just use Waterless Wash after.  Won't hurt a thing. 

     I'm retired, so I can let mine sit in the garage until we get dry roads again. :D


    Awesome!! Glad to hear. Congrats on retirement by the way. I technically have another car I can drive but it’s my old car I drove before I bought myself one so it’s not bad but definitely prefer to drive my own! Thanks for the info, Rich!

  9. So my larger order finally arrived and I was able to spend a day to detail the car. Started with a ultra foam layer through the foam cannon, then two bucket wash. Was able to use my new tire shine/wheel cleaner. Then detail sprayed the car and dried. I was finally able to use my Americana Wax and did applied it to all of my car and it’s been about 2-3 days. We are supposed to have some rain tonight and was curious your guys opinion, just drive and let it get wet and tomorrow just do a quick wash..or keep it in the garage and use my other car for the night. Does it really affect the wax that much if it gets rained on/will it take away the nice shine the car has? Thanks in advance!

  10. On 4/4/2018 at 10:07 PM, falcaineer said:

    Here ya go!



    Thanks so much. I'll have to add this to my future purchase. In the meantime, as far as just getting some dirt off the hex grip applicator pad for buttery wax, any recommendations? I just dropped a good amount on some new products so wanting to wait a few weeks before ordering again. That and the sake of shipping costs, I prefer to order in bulk. Any recommendations on how to clean the applicator until then? Thanks!

  11. Hi all, I'm sure there's been number of posts so far on this, but what is the best way to wash my microfibers in the wash? I know a warm setting w/ no fabric softener but is there a good detergent or soap I can use? I know the microfiber revitalizer spray is great, but I am waiting for a big shipment coming in from Adam's that's currently processing  and heading my way so I'd rather hold off until my next order in a little bit to spare the cost of shipping. Also, my buttery wax applicator got a little dirty, what's the best way to clean the pad to get rid of all potential dirt and have it ready to use for the next time. 



  12. I apologize in advance if I've missed a forum mentioning this previously. I was wondering if anyone has had any good ideas for organizing their detail supplies in their garage? I was thinking something even as simple as a wood shelf would work fine for the shampoo, waxes, details, etc. and just a clear bucket for microfibers. I've also seen the new bottle organizer product as well. Any recommendations on what you guys think looks good and works for you all? Thanks in advance!

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