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The Ryan

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Posts posted by The Ryan

  1. ranch dressing

    Ryan aren't you supposed to use the last word from the previous phrase to start the new phrase?:cheers:


    Yup - we posted our response at the same time :/


    Sell Products

  2. I picked this up from Camaro5.com.. it has well over 15,000 replies now.. lets see how far we can go with it here.


    here's the idea: i say two words. you take the last word and use it as the FIRST word to create another two words. the next poster will take the last word of yours....... and so on. They have to make sense, and they can only be two words! FOR EXAMPLE:


    post 1: baby monitor

    post 2: monitor criminals

    post 3: criminals steal

    post 4: steal bases


    .... you get it. now let's get it started.


    thread starter

  3. thats why i keep a couple packages of costco microfiber towels around when im cleaning under the hood or the door jambs or wheel wells and even the wheels they are nowhere near as nice.




    Costco MF towels are great on heavily soiled areas. I also use them to clean the interior as the interior can get pretty gunky. I only use the good MF on the plastic surfaces.

  4. Believe it or not I JUST got my first bottle of Adams conditioner (using up the old stuff) and was amazed how close the color is to my new sofa... Ok I know... (GAY)... But my Sofa is entirely leather so I knew I wanted the best to start it out with. My sofa is the same color only darker. So I will get to work on it here soon. I'm afraid it'll use the whole bottle!




    I use my Adam's conditioner on my leather sofa and love seat now. No other leather conditioner has made my leather as soft and supple as Adam's has. I have only been applying it once every 3-4mo. and it holds up really well...

  5. question; when washing microfiber towels, can I wash my supersplush mf towels with waterless wash towels? Or glass mf with superplush towels? I guess I'm asking can I mix them up or do they need to be separated. Thanks!


    I wash my all my microfiber together, no foreign materials (cotton, ect.) - microfiber only.. If I have a few heavily soiled towels I will put them aside and wash them separately.

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