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Got Ford

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Everything posted by Got Ford

  1. i still have a reg xbox, but i do have a xbox live account fatjollyman some times my bro plays so send me a invite saying where ur from. i play Froza 1 and halo 2.... that untill i get a 360, hopefully soon.
  2. btw 1 day 11 hours and 30 mins remaning!
  3. heres mine... dream car...... and some other random pics that i usually use for my background
  4. thanks, ill have to try that, the salt is a problem around here right now so ive been taking it to car wash for now, but by the time i get home it already has salt all over it so come spring ill have to try that
  5. sweet ill have to get some of adams detail spray with some of the money ill get after xmas, much to cold to wash the truck by hand now that it's snowing
  6. i have tried a leaf blower before, but then found little bits of oil on the hood of my truck*(found out about a week later that the blower decided it didnt want to be in this world any more and blew up) and i would use it again but being a college student im limited to what i buy even tho i still live at home. tried to use my parents one but i live with the lawn nazzi so theres no way he will let me use his, tho i have never tried the detail spray out side of where i use to work *(use to detail cars at a dealer) but have considered that on my own truck, would you recommend a detail spray?
  7. well living out in the "boonies" has it's advantages and disadvantages and well the problem im having is the hard water from the well is leaving spots all over every time i wash my truck. I have been using the Mr. Clean Auto dry car wash, and well it does a great job and all getting most of the spots but i never get to finish with a clean spot free truck before the filter clogs up. well i wanted to know is there any way around this with out using a towl to take the spots out, cause the hard water spots are not a good thing to look at and i hate to see it when im walking up to my truck from being somewhere. sry about the long post but heres a short version Hard water mr clean auto dry car wash filter clogs up before done what do you do/use?
  8. just wanted to say hey, registered a little bit ago but didnt post anything, was a detailer for a car dealer for 4 years, and got to the point where i hated to wash my own truck let alone wax it, but now hopefully that will change and i can put a hard coat of wax down on my truck instead of a spray wax.
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