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Customer Service 866.965.0400


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Everything posted by smokemeister25

  1. to give you all a little insight on who this guy is you're donating to, he's gonna be embaressed and say ''gee dad, they didn't need to do this... wow, i don't know what to say...'' he feels what he does is his responsibility and he's proud to do it. all started 10 years ago yesterday when he sat on my couch and watched the second tower come down and said ''if we don't do something they're gonna try to come after us and kill us all. i just can't sit back and do nothing...'' so he enlisted and tested for a job that keeps him flying all over the world and in the middle east all the time. he's single and i think would like to have a girlfriend but says ''what girl in her right mind would want to get involved with a guy who's never home and does what i do and goes to where i have to go...?" so it is a sacrafice, but he doesn't see it that way. he see's it as a job that if somebody doesn't do it we're all gonna be in a world of trouble..." obviously i'm very proud of him.
  2. i'm so happy to know i'm involved with a forum that has such generous and nice people.... i never dreamt that when i asked for advice on what to send him it would lead to this. thank you all so much for showing your apprecaition to someone who i truly believe and know gives of himself for his country.... it's nice to be involved with you in our like interests. also it's encouraging to know that the folks at adams that promote buy american and support our country will put their money where their mouth is so to speak and do something like this. i hope someday to meet adam, lynn, ashley and the rest involved in organizing this and shake their hands and give them a hug personally. your products are super, and your attitude and generosity are equal. what a great world this would be if other businesses and individuals dealt with people like this. God bless you all....
  3. hi guys... i'd like your advice on a little tiny kit for a gift for my son. about 5 months ago my son came home slightly wounded from his 4th tour of duty in you know where... as a gift to himself he bought a new camaro SS the day he arrived home. it was something he had saved for and wanted for a long time. he keeps it clean as a whistle but i'm sure he doesn't do it right or even for that fact know how. i know for a fact that he uses a lot of spray detailer instead of washing. i would like to ask ashley to send him a little tiny kit of the most important things and hope he will use them instead of just spray detailing with turtle wax ice and a bath towel or maybe he gets polish rags from walmart... you get the idea. so could you give me your opinions on a small inexpensive kit of things for him to try. hopefully he'll actually give them a try and not just leave them on the shelf. i was thinking spray detailer, a couple of the nice microfiber towels, some waterless stuff maybe and waffle towels.... i think they have some sample sizes maybe. if he uses them and likes them i'm more than happy to buy him whatever he wanted but to just leave em sit on the shelf would be a bummer. not sure he really knows how to do what you guys are into.... do you think some sample sizes and a few towels for around 50 bucks or less is possible? until lately he wasn't even able to use his arm well enough to really do much polishing but he's gone through a lot of physical therapy and is strong enough now. for what it's worth he's gonna get deployed on his 6th time and go back this march.... and yes, i worry a lot. thanks for suggestions. i wish i could buy him everything but lets give him 3 or so things to get him started.
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