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Posts posted by estecoca

  1. I am interested in the Adam's Polo shirts too!


    And an Adam's logo air freshener that smells like detail spray or car wash.:)


    I can't wait for the new paste wax to come out too!


    Adam's Banner is definitely on my list, along with Adam's stickers!


    I would love to have some stickers and a banner for the garage!:pc:



    What's the story with Adam's sitckers? Does the Adam's gang officially offer these, or is it just something the dealers/VIPs have? I know a good resource for producing quality stickers...he goes by the screen-name "SockMonkey" on ToyotaNation and is bada$$.

  2. ...at this point has the following:


    1. bucket w/ caddy and grit guard

    2. gallon glass cleaner

    3. carpet cleaner (need to try it out)

    4. metal polish (same)

    5. 3 or 4 more white WW towels

    6. gallon under carriage spray

    7. 2 or 3 gallons of DS

    8. shirt - hopefully a Polo, but will settle for tshirt

    9. new wax when it becomes available


    not sure why Im posting this other than every night I get on here and contemplate dropping the hammer on a big order...then I decide its best to wait, pay the IRS, blah blah blah...I really want to just order away!!! :help:

  3. I think I can add 'my detailing work' to this list of things to be proud of...And that's not bc Im some great detailer. Instead, its bc I love to take a dirty or neglected vehicle, give it some TLC and then stand back and look at the improvement I made. I see it like this: there are SO many bad/wrong things that I cant chage, it feels good to change what I can. Immeidate and tangible results are nice and they give me what I need to go to work each day and fight larger battles...


    ok, enough philosophy for me....

  4. Here's a good one. I have a 2yo son. This kid loves his stuffed dog, "Woof Woof". The other night I asked if I could play with the dog and he said no. I played like I was hurt and I pouted. He was sincerely troubled by this and immediately gave me the dog and a hug as he said "here go, Daddy".


    That may sound a little corny or something, but it shows me that we all inherently want people to be happy and have good in us...I love that kid.

  5. when I think of an Adams sampler kit, I think it needs to include the products that separate Adams from the rest by the largest margin. In my opinion, these products would be: Detail Spray, Car Wash, VRT, WW towel, blue MF towels, under carriage spray. These are the products I recommend to my dad, brothers, etc...most impressive that I've tried.


    As for a more detailed kit, I wish I had a good idea, but really I would just want one of everything!

  6. Bruce, thanks for that tip about staining. I never thought twice about spraying things down with full-strength SG. If Adam's is safer, then thats enough a reason for me...


    I wonder, is it possible to stain or otherwise screw-up tires with full strength cleaners? After I clean them with SG I have these irregular shaped spots where the rubber is lighter than in other places. Like if they got bleached or something. Is this cheap rubber or stupid detailer (me)?

  7. I dont know about the strength of the soaps, but I do know that many carwashes in the southwest recycle their water. ugh! I have asked the owners/operators of about a dozen wand washes in NM, AZ, CA if they recycle their water and they reluctantly confirm that many places do this. that means that you may be blasting your car with dirt whih was not properly filtered...caveat emtpor

  8. Im all for this idea, but I am concerned it wouldnt be used that much if the intent is only to address technical issues with the online store. In my experience these issues are few and far between. The more interesting support is for the products themselves and, as you said (Jason), these questions would still belong here in the forum. Therefore, Im not sure the chat would be worth your investment/time.


    In all honesty, I expect to pick up the phone and call someone if/when I am having trouble with the online store/cart.

  9. Mike, this forum is full of folks more than willing to tell you how much the enjoy Adams products. I am one of them. My best suggestion to you is to not take our word for it, but instead try-out some key products. Say, the car wash, detail spray, one of the waxes and the under carriage spray. Some assortment like that. It wont take long to see that these are awesome products well worth the $. I can honestly say that I quit using my Zymol, Meguiars, Pinnacle, etc as soon as I tried Adams.

  10. Here's another stupid story that I wouldnt believe had I not witnessed it...


    A good buddy of mine, in high school, was stoked for his Mustang when he first got it. So much so that he decided to detail it himself. He ended-up going over the windshield, inside and out, with ARMOR ALL...I kid you not. It was a friggin mess. And it was impossible to see anything whenever the windows fogged over (b/c the AC compressor was shot, this was all the time).



  11. When you can't wait for your order to be shipped:)


    I know what you mean...and that darn UPS tracker doesnt seem to update often enough! I want to know exactly where it is!


    Another way to know that you're a junkie is when you are willing to get your ride dirty just to have to clean it again. I really wanna go in the garage and smell the car wash or detail spray...I got it bad...

  12. well ill do my best and give my advice.


    first off i would start with a good hand wash with dawn dish soap to remove anything major, after that i would follow up with adams car wash but thats really not necessary. next i would spray one section down at a time with detail spray and go over it REALLY good with a clay bar, focusing on the overspray and water spots. you can leave the residue on. Start with the orange pad and some SHR at 5k opm going SLOW up down left and right, look good? go over with FMP at 5k opm no need to remove residue also you wont need to go as slow as the SWH but still not fast... after that MSW at 3k opms not moving as slow just covering the surface..


    if you still have swirls 6k opms orange pad with a dab of FMP going SLOW up down left and right followed by FMP up down left and right...


    if the MSW is hard to get off you can use detail spray to help remove it. also i forgot to mention give your pads one light spray of detail spray before you start...


    thats how i would do it.:2thumbs:



    I would only add that you should not hesitate to really put some weight behind the PC as you work with the orange pad and Swirl & Haze remover. It may take some elbow grease to get the nastier things out. Honestly, in order to get the swirls off of my truck, I had lean on it to the point that I could hear the PC's motor slow down a little.


    I feel your pain on the lack of time...I, too, take a day of work periodically to detail my truck. And I have to be done by 5 or else it wont ever get done...good luck!

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