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Everything posted by omegaman1978

  1. Just washed, glazed, buttered, and dressed. Here's some shiny shots. I hope you guys like.
  2. I've used it before road trips as well. It certainly makes bug removal much less of a hassle. It's true what they say.
  3. I was about to ask the same question, but I searched first It seems as I'm using each product it becomes my current favorite. It really is hard to choose one. The SVRT works wonders, waxes are amazing, shampoo is terrific, and the IUC is just friggin' magic...and so forth... If there was just one, for me, I think it boils down to the detail spray. It has many uses and gives great results with little effort.
  4. I felt like that for a while, but it's starting to change...
  5. With this recent weekend special, I ordered my second gallon refill of detail spray this year. I've been considering getting a 5 gallon size of the detail spray and perhaps the waterless wash (as that seems to disappear faster then i thought it would too.) I was just curious which 5 gallons you all keep around and why?
  6. I contacted them a couple weeks ago...they don't sell Adams anymore They nearest local guy is about 60 miles away. It's moot point now anyway. The results were so spectacular with #1, that I couldn't just use #2 by hand now. So, I went grabbed a 'mom cone' and used that with equally spectacular results which brings me to my next point: This stuff is FRIGGIN' AWESOME! Like an idiot, I had tried to clean the water spots from my rims using something I shouldn't have and scratched my little test patch all to hell. So that combined with the other minor scratches, oxidation, and water spots convinced me that I'd never have 'like new' shiny rims again. I WAS WRONG! #1 eliminated the worst of the scratches with ease and #2 worked as advertised and wowed it up. This prompted the standard "HOLY SH!T" response when I wiped away the #2. Anybody on the fence with the MP should go ahead and pull the trigger...it's another winner. PICS! Before...(First 2 pics) you can see the hazy/scratchy spot I effed up on my own next to the valve stem: After: (bottom 3 pics) you can see the results! I had moved the car, but the reference point is the valve stem. This is my first time polishing metal like this..i think it came out pretty nice. Those are Boss 338 rims with the "Super Finish"
  7. I just got MP1 & 2 and am looking to use on my machined rims. I only have one drill pad at the moment and, as recommended, do not want to use the same one for both polishes. Given the choice, which one with a drill and which by hand? Thanks!
  8. That's kinda what I figured. And that's what I felt like I saw here...reduced suds and cleaning ability. It's not something I plan on doing in the future. I just wanted to report to those who might be interested.
  9. Good point. Although, in this case I would say it is a very minimal amount.
  10. Wash ‘n’ Wax? An unscientific experiment with somewhat interesting results. First of all, I’m not at all saying YOU should do this. I did this to satisfy my own curiosity using my own car as a test. I’m not really using the products in the recommended manner. Your results, should you try this, may vary. Back in the dark days before Adam’s (Like 6 months ago for me), my go to car soap was an OTC Wash n Wax product. I’ve obviously switched to Adam’s, but sometimes I miss it. I liked it for a lot of the same reasons I like Adam’s…easy to use, seemingly good results, and it smelled good. The OTC product seemed to work as advertised…my car always seemed a bit shinier and had a pseudo ‘just waxed’ look for a few days after. Just so I’m clear where I stand here, the Adam’s shampoo plus drying with the DS is clearly a far better combo. So anyway, here’s what I did for a little experiment. The goal was to maybe capture the best of both worlds. The car had been Buttered 4 weeks ago and subsequently washed once a week since. The wax was probably nearing the end of usefulness. So, I got setup for the ol’ 2 bucket wash as usual. Before I filled my buckets, I grabbed the hallowed Buttery Wax and put about a nickel size squirt on my wash mit. I keep hearing how safe it is to apply in pretty much any condition…why not infuse it into the wash? Then I put the usual amount of Adam’s shampoo right on top. Filled the bucket with the nozzle agitating it all as usual. I then proceeded to wash the car in the usual manner using my cobbled together Wash n Wax. Then dried with Great White and DS. The Results: (“What, no pics?” No. Sorry.) The not so good: The first thing I noticed pretty quick was about 25% to 50% less suds. I figure that must have to do with surface tension science stuff. “Mr. White?” Also, I felt the mix was a little less ‘cleany’ then it has been every other time I’ve used it sans BW. This was more subjective though. The sorta good, but certainly interesting results: When I rinsed the soap off the vehicle, I noticed much more water beading then had originally beaded when I did the pre-rinse. I also noticed the water was beading on surfaces that had not been waxed previously (roof rack rails, plastic mirror trim, chrome grill, and other plastic trim)…so that was kinda cool. When I sheet rinsed the water came off better than it had the previous wash and left the vehicle closer to dry than usual. Most importantly, the shine…well, it was slightly glossier then before. At best I would say the previous butter job was ‘refreshed’, but I certainly wouldn’t dare call it waxed. So there you have it. I don’t think I’m the first one to try this, I just couldn’t find anybody who had. Hope this helps somebody who may be thinking along the same lines. PS How about an actual Adams Wash ‘n’ Wax product someday?
  11. Yes. Washing the cars has become part of the weekend routine if we are home. Even though I enjoy it, it is part of the required chores. Even though I'd prefer to sleep, I get up and get out there washing before 8:00 to beat the sun/heat. We had 2 vehicles that were about 10 years old (purchased new). I saw first hand what 10 years of occasional washing and basically no waxing did to the finish of those vehicles. When we were finally fortunate enough to move up and get a couple big boy cars, I vowed to keep them clean. Hell, besides a house, your vehicle is probably your biggest asset....of course, you should take care of it. Yes, my wife thinks I've gone insane (especially since I'm not really a detail oriented person to begin with)...but, then I remind her to look around here work parking lot and I guarantee she will always have one of the shiniest cleanest cars there (if not THE shiniest)
  12. So along with my Merino wash mitt special, I received my first gallon of the sacred All Purpose Cleaner. Let me tell you, it works as good as they say. I mixed some 50/50 in my kitchen and immediately tested it on my stove top. Had a few nights of cooking spills and grease on it. I wiped of the loose stuff with a sponge and the spayed on the APC. I let it sit for about 30 seconds and then wiped it down. The stuff cut through with no effort whatsoever. I had to scrub one little spot and that was it. I then actually tried it on my car. I wanted to clean my tires in preparation for some SVRT I'll have coming. I rinsed the tires with hose water and noticed the water beading and immediately running off the tire. This indicated the legacy dressing was still present in force. I sprayed on the APC and let it sit about 30 seconds again. I then scrubbed the tires with a short bristled nylon brush. It certainly was doing something because it got all brown and dirty as I scrubbed. I rinsed and repeated. The last time I rinsed the water was no longer being rejected by the tire and clinging in sheets. It appeared to have scrubbed the MgDressing right off. Very nice! Just out of curiosity, what happens if you, god forbid, let the APC dry before rinsing it. No one ever seems to say what happens, so it must be bad...with the surface burst into flames or what?
  13. Just officially saying “Hello”. I’ve lurked for a while, but want to contribute where I can. I’m pretty much a hobbyist…enthusiastic, but a hobbyist nonetheless. Turns out, there’s a lot more details to this whole detailing thing. I have Charger and Jeep Liberty. I know there’s a number of other Moparians out there, so hopefully I’m in good company. To the marketing people I say: “I’m here because of The Junkman.” I understand that is not unique...I'm just another disciple. His examples and contributions around the various Charger/LX boards not only piqued my curiosity, but inspired me to do better when it came to caring for my ride. The man is a prophet of detailing and an evangelist of Adams. There are some beautiful cars around here. You all do such a great job. I aspire to that level of shine. I’m in Fresno, CA and with dust around here it will be an uphill battle. Challenge accepted.
  14. ...because this Adam's stuff is more addictive then crack! It started innocently enough…long before it degraded to detailing debauchery. You see, all the cool kids were doing it. They made it look like so much fun, I couldn’t help but be interested. “It’s easy man, try it!” Then I got a free sample from a “friend”. That’s how they get you…the first hit is always free. How could such an innocuous looking bottle of pink stuff be so awesome? Hell, the scent alone hooked me. Keep in mind, it wasn’t a habbit…yet. It was just an occasional thing. An initial order of stuff started it. I just wanted to experience the thrill of SHINE again. Then it became monthly orders….still, I had it under control. Quickly, monthly turned into weekly orders as a never ending stream of quality products were being presented to me….all of them so beautifully colored, scented, and packaged. I had, and still have, this overwhelming urge to collect them all. So here I sit, staring at my packed shopping cart trying to pear it down to a reasonable order this week. It is now I realize this only the beginning of a very deep rabbit hole. I think it’s time for a 12 step program. Of course, the 12th step would be Americana! Anyway, thanks to all for making a quality American product with a gold standard level of customer service.
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