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Posts posted by O2ShootTheJ

  1. Hi guys,


    So unfortunately somehow I brought a bed bug home with me either from Az or who knows where else.  Anyways in an abundance of caution, everything that cannot be washed and dried has to be heated to 120+ degrees F.  I have a lot of adams products (wash, polishes, sealant, etc) in a plastic container probably 3ft x 1.5ft.  Will heating them up ruin them? I shoudl also mention the stuff is probably getting close to 3+ years old.  Hate to throw it away knowing what I spent on it, but is it even good anymore before I heat it up?


    I also notice that there are new versions of a lot of the products I have, and some are even gone (like my polishes for the flex, etc). I sold my nice car when I started dental school so haven't really been detailing much - which is why my stuff is so old. But now that I have another nice car again i'm wanting to get back into it


    Just bought a new (to me) car and I have some free time coming up in a week and was looking forward to giving her a good refresh. 2008 e92 M3 alpine whiate with fox red interior.  It also has a factory CF roof so wanted to get some protection on that ASAP

  2. So About 2 months ago I took my first swing at machine polishing with the flex on my car and it came out great.  Fast forward to now, I've washed the car between 3-5 times since them and today I went out to grab a couple spots of bird poop with the WW and the sun was hitting the paint just right to show swirls worse than they were 2 months ago as well as a lot of light scratching. 


    When I wash my car I use all adams products and a foam sprayer (for regular hose not power washer)


    I use a grit guard in a autozone bucket and it moves around a bit, is this a problem?


    Starting to wonder if the wash pads are the issue?


    I'm really thinking drying is where my issues arise though.  I have been getting a weird residue after drying the car (too much detail spray)  that usually requires buffing with a clean microfiber to get rid of.  I used a clean Double Soft after the GW drying towel last time I washed the car to get rid of the residue.  Could this have caused the swirls and scratches I got?


    I also have a suspicion that the water has a lot of minerals and things in it but that's just a suspicion so can't really lay any blame on that.

    Overall just really disappointed and unsure of what I did wrong that erased 10 hours of hard work :(

  3. I lost my polishing virginity over the weekend with my flex. As long as you watch the adam's videos a few times you should know exactly what to do. It takes a little bit to get the hang of it, especially on lips and curved surfaces, but once you get used to it its not so bad. It does take a long time though!


    My main tip is to make sure you have the polisher flat or it will try to run away from you. Also its not good for the pads

  4. Thanks all! Definitely a new level of respect for those who do this for a living. I knew it would be a lot of work, but had no idea it would take me as long as it did!


    great looking car! IS that Daytona 675 I see tucked in the garage?


    It sure is! Love that bike, but shes a little beat up right now. Went down at the track over the summer and have been looking to pick up another left and nose fairing for the right price. They aren't cracked but are scuffed up pretty bad. Of course it wasn't until after I went down that I bought race plastics





  5. Well, I decided to go ahead and take a spin with the Flex I got for Christmas. My first time ever polishing and I think it went pretty well. Didn't take a whole lot of pictures during the process.


    Tried to strip wash with shampoo and APC, didn't get the quick sealant off all the way so I went at it again with some blue dawn. Pulled her into the garage and started claying, except for the back of the car it was pretty clean. put some VRT on the trim, and then got up my courage and started polishing :pc:


    Started with the hood



    Then moved on to the side





    I couldn't really capture how good it looks with the iphone, but just know it looks A LOT better than it does in these pics!








    I need to go over it again, I finished up around 1 AM and missed the sealant in a few spots, but it's supposed to rain tomorrow so I may just wait and re-wash the car later this week. It won't hurt to leave the excess sealant on the paint for a few days, right?

  6. Okay so weather is complete poo today so not going to be able to do it until wednesday or thursday when i'm off work.


    So the steps:

    1. Wash with blue dawn

    2. Dry car (yes or no? rather skip this if I can)

    3. Clay

    4. VRT rubber and trim

    5. polish

    6. seal

    7. let sealant cure for 12-24hrs

    8. Americana


    does that sound correct?

  7. hmm okay I guess i'll give it a shot and see how it looks. If I end up needing a coarser polish I may just stop at swirl remover to save time and then seal the car then give it everything it needs in march over spring break when I have the extra time. Whatever I do I have about a day to get it done :/

  8. Okay cool. two more questions


    1. Do I need to dry the car with detail spray after the dawn wash, or can I just go ahead and start claying it without drying?


    2. How long should I expect it to take to do a 3 step polish on my S5. Someone in here mentioned he thought he would be able to do it in one day, I was thinking the same thing?

  9. I'm a bit nervous to use a cordless because I don't want to burn the paint. I'm new to polishing this will actually be my first time.


    If I were to do those areas by hand what kind of pads would I use?


    And yes I do plan to clay before I polish just forgot to put that up there.


    Thanks for your help!

  10. Hi everyone


    going to embark in a 3 step polish and sealant on the S5 next weekend (supposed to be up in the 50's!)


    My question is you have a 4" pad setup for the PC on your website, but what about the Flex? How am I supposed to get the a pillars, and small contours on the bottom of the front bumper?






    Also, I should wash the car with dawn prior to polishing to remove the old wax correct?

  11. Thanks guys! Jim I bought the car with them on there so unfortunately I'm not sure where exactly you can get them. I do know they're made to order and take 4-6 weeks to be made. The price tag is up there too, that's why I want to make sure to protect them!


    They're currently covered in snow and ice :/ haven't been driving it because I don't want salt all over them.


    Anyways, i'm not sure if the centers have a clear or not, is there any way to tell other than buy the metal polish and seeing if it turns black? I rubbed some debris off a spoke with my finger and it turned my finger black, but it very well may have just been brake dust?

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