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If you have a girl who won't let you buy Adams...step in


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I am inevitably seeing a lot of talk about "my wife will kill me for spending x" or I have to hide the stuff I buy so I don't get into trouble. I heard a lot of that at the clinic and see it on here daily.


I'd like to think of myself as one of the rare girls out there who can enjoy the best of both worlds: Shopping (for adams) and Cars.


Now almost ALL of my friends who are in the car scene have girls who either hate them being away for so long or moan and groan about how much is spent on their ride.


Here is what I have done for a few of my friends. I had a good amount of product before I went to PA and now I have a boat load. Now since I live in an apartment, I do not really have the ideal set up to detail a ride. So I ask my friends to let me use their drive way and while we're at it, I'll work on your ride too!


Every ride that I have worked on with Adams stuff we make the spouse stay inside or truthfully they usually go out shopping. They come back to a wicked clean ride.


Of course they want to know how to KEEP their ride like that. I tell them the stuff I use - which is the same stuff their man has asked for in the past. A moment passes and the wife says "ok, honey, you can buy your stuff" and there ya go! I show the women the beauty of the product, they get a clean ride and now the men have permission to pull out their $ to buy stuff.


One wife called and asked me what she should get her hubby for his b-day. Soooooo I told her what I'd want which was a mile long list....she seriously thought for a minute that HE put me up to that list. NOPE - all me. How about he got EVERYTHING.


So, you need to convince your woman in the need for this stuff...send them my way! Better yet, we have Adam Ladies all over this wonderful nation. A day with any of us will give you the freedom to do what you want with your ride!!!!



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I like your ideas..


my Wife really liked the way her Edge came out when I detailed the outside the other day.. now I just need to finish with some BG and Americana, then do the inside and VIOLA!


edit: my wife makes more than me.. (I'm currently unemployed) but she LOVES her career.. she is very good at what she does and has worked her butt off to get to where she is.. and shes on track to do even better.. I really respect my wife's accomplishments..

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You two are the few that say that....I hear it ALL the time. LOL

The day I find a guy who tells me I can't spend money on my ride will the last day he'll ever see me. LOL


I take car of my wife's CRV and she loves the way it looks so she has a dog in the fight, so to speak...:D

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Ahahaha its the opposite in my house for Adam's. My husband knows I've spent a lot of money and still spending. I asked if I could get a Turbo stick and he said no. Oh well. I guess my new Flex I'm getting tomorrow will have to suffice. :lol:

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ahahaha its the opposite in my house for adam's. My husband knows i've spent a lot of money and still spending. I asked if i could get a turbo stick and he said no. Oh well. I guess my new flex i'm getting tomorrow will have to suffice. :lol:


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Ahahaha its the opposite in my house for Adam's. My husband knows I've spent a lot of money and still spending. I asked if I could get a Turbo stick and he said no. Oh well. I guess my new Flex I'm getting tomorrow will have to suffice. :lol:


Maybe that's why I am still single?



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When my fiancee and I first moved in together almost 5 years ago, she couldn't believe the time and money I spent on my detailing supplies and taking care of my vehicles. Fast forward to April of 2009 when she got her first new car. It still looks like new for one reason...me. It was then that she started to realize what it cost to keep it that way and she actually started offering to chip in for product. Of course I won't let her, but it was so nice to know she gets it now. It was a 180 from the previous 3 years. I don't spend nearly as much time on hers as I do on either of my SS's but I definitely don't cut any corners on hers and I give hers a lot more attention than my daily driver now. Brandi is 100% right. In many cases, if your spouse can see the results of your efforts and expense, any resistance to your purchases should be eliminated or at least reduced.


On a side note...I've been away in NJ on family business this past week. I got a phone call the first night from my fiancee...she wanted to know how to remove the bird bombs that were deposited on her car during the day. I walked her through the process over the phone and she sounded happy after. Last night she called me to tell me that I was just about out of clean towels. She'd been attacking every spec of bird bombs every night after work with waterless wash. Sigh...she'll be detailing along side me in no time.

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On a side note...I've been away in NJ on family business this past week. I got a phone call the first night from my fiancee...she wanted to know how to remove the bird bombs that were deposited on her car during the day. I walked her through the process over the phone and she sounded happy after. Last night she called me to tell me that I was just about out of clean towels. She'd been attacking every spec of bird bombs every night after work with waterless wash. Sigh...she'll be detailing along side me in no time.


nice.. Teach her well..


where in NJ?

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I used to get hounded all the time by my wife for the money I was spending on products... then I got a job working here and now I get to do a big




*results not typical, spending ridiculous amounts of money on Adam's products will not result in employment with Adam's Polishes. Purchase at your own risk, not valid in all states, member FDIC, only one at this price, now I'm just typing things to fill out the small print.

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I used to get hounded all the time by my wife for the money I was spending on products... then I got a job working here and now I get to do a big




*results not typical, spending ridiculous amounts of money on Adam's products will not result in employment with Adam's Polishes. Purchase at your own risk, not valid in all states, member FDIC, only one at this price, now I'm just typing things to fill out the small print.



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I swear my wife has a video camera hidden in my garage. Everytime I pull something out to work on my car, she comes out and has some other hunny do for me. I can't wait until she goes on a work trip next month. I might just sleep in the garage because I can.

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I may joke about Kelly getting all[iNSERT EXPLETIVE HERE].. but with all I have spent on Adam's she really never says no, in fact she got me my first 3 cans of In&Out! & She loves the smells so that helps..


That and I use wwwMessenToolscom-Varios-big-260.gif on her! :lolsmack:

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