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Darn it NorCal!


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*sigh* I can spend hours washing/cleaning my truck and it becomes dirty and dusty like crazy in less than an hour, even when parked in the garage! NorCal air sucks :( Also doesn't help I'm surrounded by farms, and huge tractors blowing dirt everywhere every time I drive somewhere. :willy:


Unforunately I don't have the time to give the truck a quick wipedown at the end of each day either. Anyone else feel like giving up at times? :help:

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It rained here the next day as well, I left it in the garage. Driving to campus today and went through about 5-6 huge dirt clouds, stupid road undergoing construction (for the past year all I've seen them do is rip up more road, nothing new! :mad: ), and let bugs hold a mass suicide on my windshield. :/

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