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Rain water collection for car washing


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Hello all, at my home I've rigged up a rain water system for watering the garden and it got me thinking. I wonder if I could rig this up then filter it so it could be used to wash my cars? So that got me thinking, I wonder if any of my fellow Adam's enthusiasts have done this? It was suggested to me to go buy an inline filter at the hardware store and maybe put an irrigation screen in front of it and that might do the trick. What do you guys think?


I like the idea of being able to capture that water and reuse it rather then using the hard water from the tap. Also it will conserve water which isn't an issue here, but it doens't hurt.

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I saw a thread for just this on detailing world. Just google or bing detailing world and their site should pop up, then just search. I'd put up a link, but I'm on strike with them. I've tried three times to register and have never received an e-mail back so I can't post Oh well, that just leaves more time for this place.

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theres a car wash over here in Belfast (it rains a lot) they have plastic oil heating tanks filled with some sort of filter material and the guy said its that clean they use it to make there coffees.

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