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Against my suggestion..



A coworker got a new 2012 Civic and agreed to the dealers IBEX Paint & Interior protection package. Claims of never needing wax etc, were tossed about. He only wanted it for the interior protection from rips etc. They refused to split the package.


What I need to know is if anyone knows what this "coating" is, and if we can put some MSS or APW over top of it before the winter sets in. I have searched The Google and cant find anything, aside from everyone saying its a rip off.


Any help on this would be GREAT! As I fear they are going to "seal" in swirls!!

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I need to get my hands on some of that magical stuff.



Magical right. The only magic is the way it makes money disappear from your bank account. When I bought my new car this past June they tried selling me something similar. Just l stood my ground my ground and said " I do my own detailing and keep a good coat of wax (Adams) on the car. :lolsmack:

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Its just a basic sealant... nothing all that substantial. You can glaze/wax over the top if you want. You can also just as easily strip it using dawn/IPA/clay or whatever your preferred method.


That would be ridiculous. dawn/IPA/clay is the kryptonite of the magical sealant. Why would you want to remove it? With it on, it creates a mystical and impenetrable barrier so you never have to wax again!! :thumbsup:

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we got this protection when we bought our denali xl new. I have little kids and for like $500 they put the sealant on the paint and rims. It warranties against stains of any kind, bird droppings, whatever! The interior is what I liked having two little kids, protects against stains on everything, or it gets replaced if they can't get it out. I figured that wasn't too much to pay for that protection on an almost $60k vehicle that we plan on keeping for many years! Just my opinion, to each his own. I did this before I met Adams though! lol I just wax over it when I feel like it.

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Its just a basic sealant... nothing all that substantial. You can glaze/wax over the top if you want. You can also just as easily strip it using dawn/IPA/clay or whatever your preferred method.


Thanks as always Dylan.. I will Dawn Wash it, then clay it and 2 coat MSS on it for him, and he can buy me lunch for a week. Sounds like a fair trade!

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