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A few questions before I start



So I have the day off tomorrow and I am wanting to get a jumpstart on working on it. Tonight I plan on doing a 2 bucket wash at a car wash and the whipe down as well. The paint is not perfect because I don't have access to a power supply whenever I want (I live in a 2nd floor apt) so I am ok with sealing up less than stellar paint but it needs to be done. I am going to add a layer of BG before Americana and I was wondering if I should finish applying the BG then remove it and then Coat the Americana tonight and then maybe a fresh layer tomorrow morning. Also, I have 1 panel that is freshly painted and although I feel like it has had plenty of time to cure with our 80 straight days of over 100 degrees in Texas, I still would like to go easy on it for now so no wax. Would BG cause the somewhat fresh paint any issues? Those are my questions before I start tonight. I am a night owl so I might just push through and get it all done when its cool to avoid those temps tomorrow.

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5 answers to this question

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80 days in TX heat is more than enough time. Especially if it sits outside all the time. Treat it like the rest of the paint. BG immediately (30 mins) followed by APW is fine. Clean car in morning with WW or DS and apply second coat.



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Alright thanks! I was thinking it would be ok, its just spending good money for a paint job and I do not want to have to go back to painting again! I just noticed another small area on the rear bumper which will mean I get to replace it and get a new one :( sometimes I hate having such a fine comb when I go over the car and I notice everything.

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Here is some of the night pictures I was able to take. I am still learning my new camera so they are less than stellar at this point but slowly I am catching up!







And a Dylan shot for good measure:



Finally, does anyone have any recommendations on how to get rid of this?




I used APC and a bandaid to let it soak and it barely worked. Then I pulled out a toothbrush and APC and small results as well. I put some good effort into it too but it wasn't budging. Any ideas? SVRT covers it up but it comes back.

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