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So I machine polished my corian counter tops. (pics)


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I am asking for a follow up.


I also have the same type of counter tops and thought about doing the same thing.


My question is realistically how long will the Americana wax last and will I have to be sealing and waxing my counter tops once a month to keep them protected?

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Wow those counters look great. But.... I believe Corian counter tops are designed to have a dull shine to them and not a bright shine. I have had a Corian counter and sink top in one of my bathroom for about 20 years and was told by the supplier when you start to see shiny spots (due from oils and products used) to take a green scotchbrite pad and go over the area to get the dull shine back. Its great to see how the Adam's products can make just about anything to shine but this may be a constant maintenance job to keep the shine. I am curious to see how long this will last so keep us informed with updates every couple of months.

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It's been 2 months and here are some updated pictures. I haven't done any maintenance at all to the counters other than wipe them down with water or maybe some Lysol disinfectant if they get particularly dirty. I haven't applied another coat of MSS and I'm not even sure it was necessary or does anything in the first place. Surely the various cleaners we use have long since washed it off.


I took these with my iPhone so the quality isn't the greatest. Also excuse the mess in the kitchen. I had to take a pic of a small part of the counter because I didn't want to get little stack of dishes next to the sink to make the picture.





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That is amazing. I wonder what the Adam's Experts would say about the products used for this and what their effects would be. Or would you (Chris) become the expert on counter tops with Adam's products? haha


So did you leave the squares with the first application of each product? I'm also wondering if there was just too much Americana on that test square.


One way or another, I am totally impressed with this outcome.

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I'll be honest. I didn't really end up using many Adam's products on this project. Using the Adam's clay bar and detail spray for lube was more for fun on that first little section than anything. I didn't end up using it on the rest as it was a total waste of time compared to how much I removed using the sandpaper.


I used 3M sandpaper, a more aggressive pad and polish combo on my PC than Adam's offers, a non-Adam's backing plate, but I did finish it down using the white Adam's pad and fine machine polish.


As far as protection, I initially used machine super sealant. I'm sure it's long gone as the cleaners used in the kitchen setting surely stripped it off long ago. I don't find it necessary to protect the finish with anything.


I do have fun going around my house with Adam's leather conditioner, Super VRT, detail spray, etc and detailing whatever I can find. For instance, I took my stainless steel fancy pants trash can that lives in the kitchen outside for a detail. I used APC to clean the inside and outside using a wheel brush to agitate, dried it off with some microfibers, polished the stainless steel with a different brand polish (it's more aggressive) by hand, finished it down with Revive polish and the hand polishing pad, and then detailed the black plastic lid and trim pieces with Super VRT. It looks great! lol

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