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Mayweather vs Ortiz


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Did you guys watch that fight? It was a good fight, but I can`t beleive what Mayweather did. For those who did not see it, In the forth round Ortiz got Mayweather into the corner. He was throwing punches and I guess he got excited and gave Mayweather a head butt. The ref stoped the fight and took a point away from Ortiz. Ortiz went to appologize, Mayweather gave him a left hook then a straight right and knocked him out.


In boxing the refs say, protect yourself at all times, so in a way I don`t feel bad for Ortiz, but I feel it was a cheap shot as he was saying sorry.


For those who saw the fight, what do you think?

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Watched it and agree about those being cheap shots. That being said, Ortiz did mess up by head butting mayweather, but he did apologize over and over. The ref stopped the fight and took him aside, told the judges to take off a point, and told Ortiz he can't do that. Then he started up the fight, but he kind of kept his arm up in between them so Ortiz didn't think they were going yet. The ref looked away and proceeded to put his arm down and it didn't seem the fight had started up again. Ortiz took the opportunity to apologize once more and hugged mayweather. Mayweather went in for the hug and as ortiz was still looking away (because of the hug) Mayweather landed a left on Ortiz's jaw. Ortiz turned to look at the ref to see what was going on and as he was looking at the ref Mayweather landed a straight STRONG right to the jaw which sent Ortiz to the canvas. Ortiz's hands did not come up at all during this, he didn't think they had started the fight again.


I see how Ortiz messed up (head butt and not staying on guard), how the ref messed (up made it easy to misunderstand what was going on), and how mayweather messed up (sucker punched Ortiz while ortiz hugged him pretty much). I definitely like Ortiz's attitude about it in the end though. Mayweather got really defensive about and literally told the commentator he knows nothing about boxing and should be fired. Ha, very unprofessional of Mayweather IMO, but I guess you could say the commentator was insinuating and being too suggestive with the the interview.

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it WAS a cheap shot but ortiz should've protected hiself. i would LOVE to see mayweather get beat. i get tired of hearing him run his mouth and thinks he's so bad, he should climb into the octagon if he thinks he's so tough

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it WAS a cheap shot but ortiz should've protected hiself. i would LOVE to see mayweather get beat. i get tired of hearing him run his mouth and thinks he's so bad, he should climb into the octagon if he thinks he's so tough



Definitely one of the weirdest endings in boxing history...

The bottom line is that Mayweather was dominating the fight and Ortiz lost his composure and took the fight to a dirty level with the headbutt. From there it was just a terrible job by the referee of controling the situation. Mayweather let his emotions get to him and retaliated...legal but sketchy at best.

I just hope Pacqua agrees to blood testing so that he and Mayweather can fight, it would be epic and would definitely save the sport!

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<IFRAME height=315 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/JMAlzZw9Jvc" frameBorder=0 width=420 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>



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I was a Pretty Boy follower for many years.


He talked the talk and always walked the walk..... as his record over the years has depicted - (42-0, 26 KOs)


Sure, Ortiz did [clearly] headbutt him during the course of the battle, but someone needs to tell Mayweather that two wrongs don't make a right. His outburst with HBO's Larry Merchant was nothing short of immature and - most certainly - uncalled for.


There were two losers last night. Ortiz the fight and Mayweather any ounce of class he had.... as well as many fans.


After last night's showing, I no longer will pay to watch another Mayweather fight again.... unless he agrees to fight Manny Pacquiao, that way I'll take pleasure out of seeing Manny destroy him.


But I'm not holding my breathe.....

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I think, when Ortiz went in to hug Mayweather and say sorry, that left hook was to say now were even, the straight right was to say never mess with the great one lol


Everytime Mayweather wins a fight him and Merchant always scrap it out. I honestly think mayweather freaked out bc he knew the question was coming. `will you fight manny pacquiao``

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Whatever it takes to get Manny and this guy fighting so I never have to hear Manny sing again, and I will be happy.


Boxing is a far cry from when I was a kid, but I still watch it for "free" on HBO or whenver they have fights on. It is hard for me to follow because of what the sport has become.


I don't get into the MMA too much either, but I will gladly watch a good boxing match over a MMA fight any day of the week.


Here's to seeing MoneyMay and PacMan finally throwing fisties!



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Definitely one of the weirdest endings in boxing history...


The bottom line is that Mayweather was dominating the fight and Ortiz lost his composure and took the fight to a dirty level with the headbutt.


I just hope Pacqua agrees to blood testing so that he and Mayweather can fight, it would be epic and would definitely save the sport!



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PROTECT YOURSELF AT ALL TIMES! The bell rang, they touched gloves.. GAME ON! Thats one cheap shot for another in my book..


From a pure spectator's POV....Money didn't wanna hug it out did he? :lol:



BTW Look @ the Ref's eyeballs when it goes down!



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