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No car cover but wanting to put another layer of wax.



I just appled MSS on my car and i was wanting to let it sit overnight to cure but theres a problem, i have no car cover. Its garaged right now. Is there any problem with having no car cover while letting it sit over night and then apply american/glaze combo tommorow? Like do i have to worry about dust settling onto the MSS? Sorry im still alil of a detailing noob lol


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Ok, just to make sure... You removed the haze right? Just use some DS or WCW to clean the surface of dust and put a coat of APW or whatever you want to top coat it with.



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Yes, when the MSS is applied, you let it sit for about 20-30 minutes (read the label) then wipe it off. The 12 hour thing is to let it fully cure, after which sometimes it will get a little haze, which can be wiped off with DS. Me personally, I have never seen the haze.


As far as sitting out overnight, I would assume that it has gotten dusty (like where I live), if you have dew overnight, and would do a wipe down with WW, or even a wash if you are going to be really rigorous. With black paint, assume the paint is dusty, as it shows absolutely everything.

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