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Baseball games tonight


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Anyone else see these crazy finishes tonight? Man alive I could not turn them off. Rays losing 7-0 going into the 8th and come back to not only beat the Yankees, but the Sox finish their collapse and lose tonight!


Can't forget about the NL wild card either.. Was that Larry's last AB? What a crazy day of baseball and even though my team was a part of it (well they got walked all over by the redbirds) but nights like tonight is why I love baseball. You can't get this action on the same night in the other sports imo. Can't wait to see the playoffs! :lurk:

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I am a life long, certainly familiar with suffering, Red Sox fan. I can not ever remember a season ending as badly as this did. They didn't deserve to win and would have gotten spanked in the first round anyway. The good news is that football season is alredy upon us...the bad news is the New England's D is highly suspect.

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What an exciting end to the wild card race! Got to hand it to the Rays... they (unlike my Halos) took advantage of the chances they were given. What a crazy night last night.


I'm pulling for the Rays to win it all... class act team all the way and I love me an underdog team! Also, coached by a former Angel bench coach BTW :D

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Timeline recap of the night from MLB.com.... easily the most exciting and surprising night to end a season I've ever seen.


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I couldn't turn it off. I was a fan of the redsox when they first started their run but I've become more of a hater as of late, not as much as I hate the yankees but they are on the level just below them, along with the philles. (Cubs and Cards are on the tops with the yanks in my books). I really think that when the sox were in the rain delay they were watching the yanks game and saw what the rays were doing and that took all their hopes out. Crazy to think about some of the stats from the night and things that have never happened before. Tampa had a .06% to win the game last night, thats 1 in every 172 times! crazy.

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