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Shine Crew Complete: The Other Movie Car

THE Mook

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Hello Again!


This car wasn't nearly as cool as the Ricky Bobby car we had, but still a treat nonetheless! The "Old and Busted" from "Men In Black", starring Wil Smith and Tommy Lee Jones.





This detail was the most basic we offered there...essentially just a "clean this pig up for slaughter" kind of a detail. I offered to detail it with a match and a gascan, but no one took it. :(


This particular detail was handled by Flaco and myself. The other members of the Shine Crew were out either wiping cars down, or completing other cars.


The Process: Complete WW wipedown, DS wipedown, Clean Glass, Clean and Dress Wheels/wells/tires with APC, WW, SVRT, UCS, and In and Out Spray. The interior was hit as much as we could, and no, we didn't touch the engine.


Why not? Well, the car didn't run. No fuel pump. I spent over 4 hours trying to get the park's mechanics to get it running and over to our booth, and they couldn't. When it crossed the block, the simply showed a pic of it where it sat. :lol:


Said Engine: (Thirsty? For Gas?)



Said Before Pic and Also Said Park Mechanic:



More Before:




Both Flaco and I weren't expecting much for a turn around. Sometimes, a car crusher is the best polisher. Definitely looked better though!


*Note: See the beautiful wheels? THAT is In and Out Spray at it's finest! Made that old steel come back to life!









Even Tommy Lee Jones would drive it again. :lol:




Thanks for stopping in!




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