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Quick Sealant Residual Hazing



Guys and Gals,


Well, I just finished cleaning up the Coly today finishing it off with a layer of quick sealant and Americana. After the quick sealant I made sure to go over the entire truck and knock it down. So, that's all good and then I apply the Americana and all is fine, truck looks great (not in the sun, it's swirl city in the sun, haven't had time to correct it). Anyways, I went to take pictures of it this evening because I'm contemplating whether or not I want to sell it and get into something more fun/comfortable to drive, so something sporty/luxury (like a G8). While taking pictures, in the shade, I go around to the front of the truck and notice on the hood some residual hazing that wasn't there after applying the Americana. So, I'm like, whatever, continue taking pictures and head back home. When I get home I grab the Waterless Wash and a Great White and try to remove the hazing. Well, no luck on the first go around, hit it again, no luck, hit it a third time, finally some progress removing it. Go over it one more time and it seems to be all removed but can't tell for sure because the lighting where I was taking pictures was showing the hazing a lot better than it was at my house. The thing is, this isn't the first time the quick sealant has done this on my truck. After I did a test polish on the hood (to get used to the process) I hit it with quick sealant and buttery (3 months ago) and later that day saw the same hazing. Mind you, this is only on the hood...


Any help, comments, input, questions are welcomed. Thanks!


Here's a picture of the truck. Anyone interested in buying it? Lol.




Seems to be the same issue...



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