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Scaffold Story


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For those of you who might remember me saying I bought a "Scaffold" from Home Depot so I could get up high enough to detail roofs and some hoods.


Used it a couple of times and then today, while buffing on the roof of this small truck I don't have a clue what happened.


Well maybe a little clue ~ was on the top board and leaning over just a tad. Think? by standing on the very edge of this board it caused it to pop loose from the metal frame. Only attached by a U shape with rubber around it to the main frame.


I tried to stand up straight but it was to late. I fell down one level to the smaller step, landed on the base of my neck and then hit the carpet on the shop floor.


When I woke up ~ yea, there was Pain! Could just barely move my head due to the pain in the back of my neck. Got my cell phone, called the wife who was inside the house for help. She calls 911 and away I go in the ambulance to the local quackspital.


Waited three hours before they did a MRI on the neck and some x-rays on my right wrist. This orthopedic Doc comes into the little room, tells me I'm very lucky that I can move my neck. At the C-4/C-5 level I now have two buldges in those disc's. C-6 level shows a ruptured disc. X-Ray shows a hair line fracture on the only bone I have that is attached to my right wrist.


Now wearing a brace just behind my right wrist. Doc said he wouldn't even consider operating on the ruptured disc. It was to dangerous to perform that kind of surgery. :confused: Told me that over a period of time it would fuse itself and the two that show they are just protruding out very slightly ~ well they could??? move back into position or they could completely rupture. Time would tell.


So really remember somebody on the forum saying they didn't trust a scaffold - I know have mucho respect for those words and "highly" recommend you don't buy the scaffold from H/Depot. I did find a much better one at a different store. Lot stronger, higher and just an all around better scaffold. NO, I'm not going to buy it but it was tempting. I won't be getting up on any more scaffolds.


I won't even be able to do a hand detail due to the little hair line fracture on the arm and because my left wrist and thumb have been fused for quite a few years, think my detailing days will be curtailed for awhile.


Life is Good! :banana::o


So if you don't see me posting on here from time to time, I'll be looking for a way to keep my head off of either shoulder. :lol:


P.S. The Flex buffer is doing great. :D

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Bill sorry to hear, but glad you are ok. My dad had a large truck, and whenever I would detail it, I wouldn't even attempt to polish the roof. If I needed a ladder to polish it, who would see the swirls from the ground?


Funny you mentioned someone said they didn't like scaffolds and didn't trust them...guess who that person was :D Post #3



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Glad that it isn't as bad as it could have been. Funny how we take the little things in life for granted and it can all change in one quick moment.


Very true words.


Life is to short as it is and ya never know when it could end. Strange though ~ when I got home, the wife asked me if I had to buy another Flex. Oh that's okay dear, I'm doing just fine. :lol:

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Bill sorry to hear, but glad you are ok. My dad had a large truck, and whenever I would detail it, I wouldn't even attempt to polish the roof. If I needed a ladder to polish it, who would see the swirls from the ground?


Funny you mentioned someone said they didn't like scaffolds and didn't trust them...guess who that person was :D Post #3




:lol: I was hoping that "somebody" would come forward. Tks.


I may be totally wrong in my way of thinking now that this has happened and perhaps Dylan will jump in here: "IF ya don't buff the roof then what would ya put on it to keep it in good shape. I don't like those guys who are "roof" inspectors checking any car or truck I detail. :help:

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A good 4 foot ladder has always worked for me.


Believe me, I've tried different ladders but have yet to figure out a way to not scratch the paint. Put a blanket under on and over the edge of the roof. Wow can those ladders slide on a blanket. :willy:


So what is your secret to "not" scratching the paint?

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Believe me, I've tried different ladders but have yet to figure out a way to not scratch the paint. Put a blanket under on and over the edge of the roof. Wow can those ladders slide on a blanket. :willy:


So what is your secret to "not" scratching the paint?


I guess it is all in balance. I don't lean into the truck, and know just where to stand. Sometimes I will even straddle the ladder with a foot on both sides. If that makes sense. I know my limits and where and where not to stand. I guess that is key.


Putting the ladder perpendicular to the truck as opposed to parrallel, if that makes sense. With the part you would normally walk up closest to the vehicle. That way it runs less of a chance from kicking out from underneath you as opposed to running it parallel to the vehicle. Kind hard to explain in type written form. If it isn't making sense let me know and I will try to explain another way.

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Wow Bill I'm sorry to hear about your injury. I guess the most important thing is that you're okay. That could have been a lot worse!


Sounds like it's time to chill out, relax, and recover. Keep us updated on how you're doing and we all wish you the best! I wish I was closer to you so I could help finish up the roof and whatever else was needed.


But seriously.........is the Flex okay?!? Just messin around :D

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I guess it is all in balance. I don't lean into the truck, and know just where to stand. Sometimes I will even straddle the ladder with a foot on both sides. If that makes sense. I know my limits and where and where not to stand. I guess that is key.


Putting the ladder perpendicular to the truck as opposed to parrallel, if that makes sense. With the part you would normally walk up closest to the vehicle. That way it runs less of a chance from kicking out from underneath you as opposed to running it parallel to the vehicle. Kind hard to explain in type written form. If it isn't making sense let me know and I will try to explain another way.


Everthing you said makes sense. It's just that I don't trust ladders, especially 6' ones. Also, I haven't figured out where or where not to stand. The entire process seem very unstable to "me." I've had a lot of ladders kick out one me.

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6' would be to tall IMO. I use nothing taller than a 4'.


:lolsmack: You beat me to the punch. I just re-read your post where you said a 4' ladder. I was just getting ready to correct my reply and turn my 6 into a 4.

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Bill you could get yourself a set up like this. Looks as though one ladder splits into two pieces to form the platforms for the work plank.


Little Giant Revolution XE Ladder by Little Giant



Little Giant Ladder Work Plank | Work Plank Accessory



Since the Little Giant pulls apart to form two scaffold trestles, you just add the Little Giant work plank (sold separately) to form a convenient scaffolding system.

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