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Anyone else have sleeping problems?


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I, for... whatever reason, have a terrible problem falling asleep at night...


But, during the day, i'm tired ALL day, i take naps during the day, and then night times comes, I can't sleep... It's so hard to stay up for two days to keep a schedule,


Anyone have any tips on how to get to sleep?

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I had the same problem when I was in high school and up until the later part of college...it kind of just faded out for me. Now I'm an old man who falls asleep at around 9:00 watching Matlock reruns. :(


It never really bothered me, but I'm with Jon...if it's a problem for you a sleep lab and/or talking with your doctor is the way to go.

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i had a hard time falling asleep and then staying asleep through the night so i started taking melatonin supplements before i go to sleep...it helps me fall asleep and stay asleep...its the same thing the body already produces to make you sleep

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That stuff is great from what I hear. I know this nurse who works nights, and on her days off she likes to have a regular schedule to be able to hang out with friends and what not. Melatonin is what she takes to help get her on track for her 3 or 4 days off. It's crazy, she'll take it and sleep for like 14 hours straight....I thought I could sleep in late, but she takes the cake.

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Melatonin ..Doctor recommended it.

I work grave yard and the body normally produces melatonin in the mid- to late evening and it will stay at higher levels for most of the night, than droping during the early hours. It has helped me considering my hours. I take it before I plan on sleeping during the day.


There is so many different benefits of it. But there is also some side effects


Also I'm being tested for sleep apnea next month. Maybe have a Doc check you out.

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Is it possible your naps during the day are affecting your sleep at night? I've never had a problem with sleep. My problem is waking up. I've never been a morning person.


The active ingredient is dipenhydramine, which is habit forming and can cause rectal bleeding with continuous use.


Best bet is exercise or melatonin.


Diphenhydramine HCl is non-habit forming. Is the same active ingredient as Benadryl.

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Diphenhydramine HCl is non-habit forming. Is the same active ingredient as Benadryl.


I guess I was wrong. I knew it was an antihistamine, but I could have swore it was habit forming. Oh well, win some lose some.


Regardless, I think the OP should think about going naturally and adding an exercise routine (not close to bed time).

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Try to get some regular exercise in the morning (even if it's just 30 minutes or so of walking), eat good foods, and don't drink caffeinated beverages after around 1PM, don't eat or drink ANYTHING after about 8:30 PM. It will take a few days, but your body will get back in a more natural rhythm.

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I would talk to your doctor about it. If its sleep apnea it's deadly and needs to be addressed immediately. I've had problems sleeping for years and I'm about as healthy as a human can be. My dad has sleep apnea and has to wear one of the oxygen masks and he's only 55. He's pretty healthy otherwise. The other suggestions are great but please consult your doctor first!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Reduce your sugars, eat better, no pop!

Caffeine needs to be limited.


I sleep sometimes only 2.5 hours a night sometimes I get almost 6. My condition has gotten me prescribed pills that increase weight gain and drowsy. Im the heaviest ive ever been. If I could just sleep more!

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I sometimes cant sleep because I constantly think about things lol and try to plan ahead and whatnot..


even when I do fall asleep, I must get crappy sleep as I am usually tired somewhat.. however, I cannot take sleep aids as I sometimes have to get up in the middle of the night..

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I'm happy to report I can't relate to your problem at all. It's like I can "flip a switch" when my head hits my pillow, my mind just goes blank and I'm asleep within minutes. I sleep 8 hours on weekdays and have to catch up on weekend days... I keep hearing you need less sleep as you get older but I'm 50 and it hasn't happened yet...

Now put me on an 8-hour night flight and I can't sleep a wink. Not even after taking an ambien. Go figure... :jester:

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