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Halogram Caused by Flex - Input Needed



I have come across an issue I haven’t had before and I would appreciate any feedback that could be offered. Long story by I will try to keep it short. Here goes: I detail on the side regularly using only Adam's products. A gentleman that works for my company hired me to detail his year old BMW black 5 series. He is EXTREMELY particular about this car so I was honored to accept the challenge.


I took the car on Friday evening and began by strip washing (APC mixed with shampoo) and claying the car. Saturday morning I began polishing using only Fine Machine Polish and the Flex. Due to the fact that the car is almost new, garaged kept, and hand washed every weekend the car did not need anything more evasive to achieve perfection. I must say that even though the entire detail was done inside my large shop, it was 90 degrees and extremely humid all weekend. I had issues polishing the hood which I will get back to shortly. After polishing the car by late afternoon I sealed it using the Machine Super Sealant. I let it sit for approx 45 mins (due to the humidity). I then called it quits to let it cure overnight (approx 12 hours). Sunday morning I glazed it followed by a coat of Americana. Car looked amazing.


Today, approx. 1 week later, he stops by and tells me he has noticed the car looks hazy/cloudy when the sun hits it a certain way. He originally noticed it on the trunk and then the hood and now down the sides. He said it looks as if it is circular residue. I assumed it is probably the sealant continuing to cure due to the heat/humidity in the Northeast and after talking with Adam’s this morning they confirmed my theory. A simple strip wash and re-application of glaze and Americana should do the trick.


So where am I going with this? I walked out at lunch to get a true visual of the situation and I immediately notice some serious holograms on the hood. Remember I said I had issues polishing the hood…I am curious if they are related. It was very difficult polishing the hood. It seemed as though the polish flashed immediately and turned greasy. I hadn’t had it anywhere else on the car. Was this due to the clear coat on the hood or the humid conditions? I was polishing on speed of 6. Should I have slowed it down? The only thing I can think of at this point is I stayed on it too long and burned the clear, causing the hologram. Am I correct? Since I am getting the car back anyway I must correct the hood. What can I do different to fix it at this point?


Any thoughts would be appreciated. I know you all like pictures so I took a few. You can kind of see what I am referring to.

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3 answers to this question

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Doesn't appear to be holograms (also virtually impossible to introduce holograms with anything that spins off axis like the 3401)


More than likely the MSS hadn't fully setup before you layered on the glaze/americana.


Give the areas with the issue a wipe down with IPA and they should disappear, then you will need to reapply protection.


With the extreme heat/humidity you probably would have had to let it cure for closer to 24 hours than 12.

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Thanks for the quick reply Dylan. That makes me feel a little better. I myslef almost questioned the "halogram" look because I took didnt think it was really possible with the Flex. I learned a valuable lesson with this one, dealing with the insane humidity.


Hopefully its gone by the time you come visit us in a few weeks at detail clinic at Graystone Restorations in Mechanicsburg, PA

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Looking forward to it Mike.


If MSS has one major 'flaw' its the cure time and lack of forgiveness when it comes to hot/damp weather. Its really not the best solution for a customer vehicle just b/c of the potential issues if you have to hurry thru the process.


You may want to give Quick Sealant a look and use that when the conditions won't allow for the extra cure time.

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