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Has Adams Ever....


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Been approached about detailing "the beast" or anything else along those lines? Or has Adams ever supplied product for use? Just was curious.


*I was intentionally vague on "the beast" to see if I could get people to think.

Edited by LFairbanks
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Ok. So I go to work and I would have thought someone would have figured it out today. So here is the answer.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxUvIUGQbY8]President Obama New Ride: A 'Beast' of a Limo - YouTube[/ame]


And in my reference to anything along those lines I was referring to other cars in his escort. Like this one.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9KNqLBsWIo&NR=1&feature=endscreen]What are the black trucks in the U.S. Presidential motorcade for? - YouTube[/ame]


To clean up the plane, Iam sure it would take everyone on this forum...lol

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