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Movember - Prostate Cancer Awareness


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Movember is the month formerly known as November, where men and women across the globe join together to raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues. Men grow and women support a Mo (moustache) for 30 days to become walking, talking billboards, for our men’s health causes - prostate and testicular cancer initiatives.


The net funds are committed to programs supporting prostate cancer and testicular cancer initiatives run by the Movember Foundation and through our men’s health partners the Prostate Cancer Foundation and LIVESTRONG Foundation. Together, the they work to ensure that funded programs are world-class and align with strategic goals. All funds donated to men's health partners are restricted and only to be used for programs. Movember funds are not permitted to be used for fundraising or administration costs not related to program delivery.


To help out for this worthy cause, you can donate to me or my team at My Mo Space.


Or, register at Movember as part of a team or as an individual and they will email you all the information you need to get started. Click here to register. For more information about how to get involved click here. Also, check out the FAQ page here, if you have any other questions.

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Day 1 - shaved last night, ready to get my beard growing!


i'm on a team with a lot of co-workers, we dubbed the month "No Shave November" and everyone grows beards, then at the end of the month we sculpt out our 'staches for the Movember Foundation

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Glad to see some other Mo'bro's on the Adam's forums.

Our Atlanta Auto Salon team has been updating our space with daily pictures of Mo'biles to help raise awareness and money towards prostate and testicular cancer awareness.

A couple of the Mo'biles we've posted so far:








You can check out more info and pics on our Mo'space at Movember United States - Get Contact list

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LOL... I watched "Mansome" the Morgan Spurlock documentary about male fashion/hygene and how it has changed recently. They followed some dude for a part of it to the european beard championships and there was oodles of awesome there! Some real epic beards.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8JL78Pf8Ok]Mansome Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

Edited by Dylan@Adams
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