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Post Foam Cannon Wash Waterless Wash



Am I crazy that I perform a waterless wash after I wash my vehicles prior to polishing or working on the paint in any way? I just can't take the chance of having missed a spot and dragging that garbage across my panel. I waterless wash each panel prior to polish application. Anyone else do that or something like it? Any other peculiar detailing practices that would be fun or interesting to share?

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Not crazy at all! Not only is it good in case you missed a spot, like you said (I tend to use WW instead of DS as my drying agent in case there are some stubborn spots that did not come off) but WW will also decrease the static electricity on the surface, so while you're moving on to other steps of your detail it won't attract as much dust.

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Hurray for us! Lol! I'm just so anal about things, but that's why we all are here reading and contributing to this isn't it!? I'm learning some hard lessons too. I disregarded the need for two wash pads (one for upper 2/3 and one for lower 1/3) and I installed scratches to my finish that I perfected just 2 weeks earlier. Needless to say, a merino mitt is in my cart, and a hard lesson learned

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